When I was growing up, we'd just come off the 1968 National championship. When I was young, I watched (or more often, listened) to Archie and Pete score touchdown after touchdown. BB73 might argue with me, but I had always considered those years, the "glory days".
As the 70s turned into the 80s and the 80s turned into the 90s, we saw a lot of good teams and a few great teams. But our success against TSUN so often seemed to marginalize strong season efforts. I have to admit that by 2000, I just assumed that the glory days that I saw when I was young were something I wouldn't see again.
As it turns out, I was right.

We haven't seen something like the 70s. As hard as it is to believe, we've seen something even better. Like the glory days of old, the Bucks are winning almost every game, are playing in BCS bowls, and now the Bucks are beating skunkbear mercilessly year in, year out. Stomping them at home and then singing "This is our house" as we beat them in the Big outHouse. Thank you JT. Thank you for all the class and respect you show to tOSU, your team, and to the game of football. Thank you for being the kind of coach anyone would be proud of. And thank you for the last 2564 days. I know you don't take them for granted....neither do we.
As has been said on this forum a lot over the last few years....these truly are the Good Ol Days.