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Jim Bollman (Stay calm and run Dave)

Really the best called game from Bollman we have seen, as has been said. This one hangs on our defense (not much to say there, half of the D was injured), lack of execution on big plays, and clock management by Fickell in the last drive. Not saying that changes anything, but just giving credit where credit is due today.
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RB07OSU;2048224; said:
Really the best called game from Bollman we have seen, as has been said. This one hangs on our defense (not much to say there, half of the D was injured), lack of execution on big plays, and clock management by Fickell in the last drive. Not saying that changes anything, but just giving credit where credit is due today.

Agree with everything here.
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RB07OSU;2048224; said:
Really the best called game from Bollman we have seen, as has been said. This one hangs on our defense (not much to say there, half of the D was injured), lack of execution on big plays, and clock management by Fickell in the last drive. Not saying that changes anything, but just giving credit where credit is due today.
Brax does not overthrow three passes and you win in a walk-away and the clock management is moot.
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True but in saying that Fickell is a living example of what would happen if Les Miles' stupid bull shit were to fail. Both aren't very good with time management but people never get on Les because of the bull shit he pulls off half the time. Fickell is just an example of what life is like when in the end you fail instead of succeed.
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Where does Jim Bollman go from here?

I don't think he'll go to another college, even at the mid-major level, and he won't be a position coach at the BCS or mid-major level.

An NFL franchise won't let him coach offensive line and he hasn't really coached tight ends for more than a decade (and it can be said the OSU tight ends are under-utilized).

So I don't know where he goes, if he wants to keep coaching...unless Jim Tressel gets an NFL head coaching job.
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CHU;2048267; said:
Where does Jim Bollman go from here?

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