A report from old fartville: I loved the buckeye uniforms from the early to mid fifties, gray pants, gray helmet with a single scarlet stripe. The home jerseys were scarlet with the same gray/black/white stripes on the sleeves that were on the pre-Rutgers/Cincinnati jerseys of 07 to now, matched up with knee sox that followed the same color/striping. The away jerseys were white, scarlet numbers and gray/scarlet/black stripes that ran from the neck to the shoulder, like epaulets.
Then they went to the old style/new helmets with the huge red section and Penn State type jerseys with minimal striping. UGH.
The 67 - 69 unis seem to me to be an homage to the uniforms worn in the glory days of Hayes teams 53 - 58, the years when the Buckeyes became a perennial challenger for the National Championship as well as the Big 10, the only real difference being the move to the silver helmet and the addition of the buckeye leaves.
The current uniform offers pink/gray pants and red and black jerseys. It gets even worse in cold weather when they wear white "long johns" in lieu of knee sox.
I think it worth noting that the last NC was won with scarlet and GRAY stripes on the Jerseys and I wouldn't object to going back to a gray helmet with a scarlet stripe ala alabama/penn state.
Snort, grumble, fart, scratch, cough, mumble, mumble...