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Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

JBaney45;1820156; said:

Except those aren't the choices

I agree not per se. But if the players like them better it leads to them playing better. Which in turn will give a better chance at victory. Comfort with equipment and jersey style is key when you reach a level like this. Even though I don't think it would matter this year anyway.
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Muck;1820169; said:
I'd love to see the dataset you mined those numbers from.

I used comments from the players last year regarding pre and post game feel. And wasn't there a stat of how teams played when they used the jerseys when the other team didn't? I know when I played, if the equipment or jersey bugged me while I played, I was distracted. A better feeling jersey, especially if it is close to a second skin, frees up movement and in turn concentration due to not feeling it even being worn.
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Buckeye513;1820173; said:
I still think the dumbest part of this whole thing is Nike naming a line of sports equipment "Pro Combat."

Kellen Winslow wouldn't come off his 'soldier' trademark.

NateG;1820170; said:
I used comments from the players last year regarding pre and post game feel. And wasn't there a stat of how teams played when they used the jerseys when the other team didn't? I know when I played, if the equipment or jersey bugged me while I played, I was distracted. A better feeling jersey, especially if it is close to a second skin, frees up movement and in turn concentration due to not feeling it even being worn.

You're conflating the look of the throwbacks with the (alleged) material difference of the product line. That are two completely different issues.

I played in an era when the 'shiny' pants were just coming into the market. I can remember everyone being jacked up when we the coaches first showed them to us & when we put them on game night.

As soon as the whistle blew on the field they were completely forgotten (except for the guys on the sidelines...but if your uniform is clean at the end of the game who gives two plugged nickels for what you think?)

People seem to think that anyone who has problems with what is going on is completely against any and all change. That certainly isn't the case for me and I'm sure not for many others.

There are a number of issues going on here. The occasional uniform 'honoring' past teams is fine as is the usual updating that goes along with time (I don't see anyone arguing to bring back Spielman era waffle weave tear away jerseys).

The main issues some people are having with this specifically is whoring out The Game as nothing more than a Nike marketing gimmick.

Is the long standing tradition surrounding the institution of said contest something that should be so easily dismissed for no greater reason than to put more money into Phil Knight's coffers?

If this is a yearly thing then there is nothing special or unique about it. It's just another lowest common denominator money grab and there are some that feel that the University deserves better.
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Granted Muck. I understand your point. But to be honest. Without an uproar similar to this the entire rivalry wasn't seen to be very important to the conference. They would have split us up and then put the game wherever they wanted during the year. But upsetting the top dog and it's fanbase was not something they wanted to do once the news leaked and everyone was going to go ballistic on Delany. I as a Buckeye and one that was born on the weekend of the original date of The Game(11/19) understands the value of the game, but without a mass email/uproar session that leads Gene Smith and others at tOSU to see that it is affecting many fans negatively, this will be how it is. And to be honest the players LIKE IT. Meaning, they want to wear them and it offers another draw to kids now-a-days to our program. You also have to see Nike's side. If tOSU lets them pick this game and doesn't force their hand to pick a different one, of course they are going to pick this game. I may not like the fact that they chose this game, but what am I, as a single fan amidst many that are split on the issue, going to be able to do to change it. The best thing I can do is support the players that will wear them. And if someone gets an email/written petition going, then I'll be glad to join it.
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