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Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

When and where can we purchase them? Sorry, but Im at work and the sites are limited.

BTW, I love the fact that the bronze star and American flag was included on the uni, reminds me of the 2002 season when we rocked the American flag. Very patriotic.
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starBUCKS;1757674; said:

cue jwinslow and complaints about the helmet and jersey not matching, it is pretty glaring, hopefully the stage lighting made it worse than it actually is or something
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Buckeye86;1757680; said:
cue jwinslow and complaints about the helmet and jersey not matching, it is pretty glaring, hopefully the stage lighting made it worse than it actually is or something
I was going to comment on that, but didn't want to steal jwinslow's thunder. :wink2: Since you've already done it though... the artist's rendering looks a whole lot better than this live model pic. The glossy finish on the wrong color helmet changes the whole look in the wrong direction.
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Reactions from the fans up north:

Red Helmets for OSU against Michigan | mgoblog

Couple of gems:


Joined: Sep 15 2009
MGoPoints: 475

It will match the blood coming out of their ears.

OSUMC Wolverine

Joined: Sep 6 2008
MGoPoints: 1611

Those red helmets are going to look great hanging low as they walk off the field from my perch on OSU's goal post after our triumph.

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BiggestBuknut;1757685; said:
They are out. I love them. Although many will think this is an abomination. I dont mind for ONE game per year. And it is a nice touch as we whup up on that team up north in their soccer uniforms.
Nike Unveils Pro Combat Uniform Designs for 10 Elite Football Programs - The Ohio State Buckeyes Official Athletics Site - OhioStateBuckeyes.com

Clearly all the "honor this" and "honor that" lip-service is tripe. But I still like 'em.

Must say I agree. Most impressive.

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