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Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

I am torn between the fact that the jersey's don't seem to be that much different from the normal ones (Ohio State being the exception) and that they someone look awful at the same time.

I want to know how much Nike pays the clowns that come up with this shit.
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BB73;1757576; said:
A random conversation sometime today between a Cane and a Buckeye.

"Damn, I'm psyched to see what Nike has put together for the 'U'. I can't wait to see camo and piping on the same uni."

"(rolling eyes to himself) Yeah, that'd look great with one sleeve green and the other orange."

"Probably would. Yo, there's Michael Irvin, he knows it's still all about the 'U' - dude was the 'Playmaker' back in the '80s".

"So is the Cane Pro Combat gonna be a throwback to the '80s unis?"

"Hope so, way back then to the first glory days. Hey who's that old dude up there?"

"That's Chuck Csuri, he's a professor emeritus at Ohio State."

"Professor what? Never heard of him or that."

"He's been on the faculty over 60 years. He's the Father of Digital Art and Computer Animation. His work has been exhibited in Europe and New York, and he taught a lot of people that ended up working at Pixar and Disney."

"OK, I'm down with Up - get it? But what's an old artist doing here for the football unis?"

"Well, he played for the Buckeyes on their first National Championship team under Paul Brown."

"Under who?"

"Paul Brown, as in the Cleveland Browns. He coached them to several pro titles, including 3 NFL Championships in the days before the Super Bowl. He also founded the Bengals."

"They had pro football before there was a Super Bowl? And hey, what position did the artist play, waterboy?"

"Very funny. Csuri played tackle on both lines, and was voted team MVP for the '42 National Champs."

"No [censored]. Hey, I like how the camo thing honors the military."

"Well, Csuri would know something about that, too. He was voted team captain in '43, but entered the Army before the season started. Ended up being a field artilleryman, and was awarded a Bronze Star for his actions during the Battle of the Bulge."

"No [censored]?"

"Yeah, no [censored]. But hey, your guy knows something about football players wearing camo. How'd that trip to the desert at the end of '86 work out?"

Best.... post.... ever!
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