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Jacksonville State 49, Ole Miss 48, 2OT FINAL

Gatorubet;1761553; said:
Had to root for the Cocks in this one. :banger: Those guys have a lifetime memory of going into a home field as a rent-a-win and getting the "W". Good for them. As soon as the Coach Methuselah called for the time out I knew he was going for the win. Absolutely the right call to roll with the 'mo from that freak 4th-and-a-bunch TD and try for two. The qb held it until he barely got it away, and the back made a sweet grab in traffic. Good on ''em!

And I'm glad to see so many people, so very happy, getting to live vicariously through Jacksonville State. :lol:

Some people don't like the SEC for some reason. I love you guys.:)
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Gatorubet;1761553; said:
I'm glad to see so many people, so very happy, getting to live vicariously through Jacksonville State. :lol:

Between Masoli and that fucking chant, what else would you expect? :lol:
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Love it...maybe Masoli should actually pay attention in those graduate parks & rec classes!

Gotta love that SEC baby. Toughest conference Top (Florida) to Bottom (ole Miss)
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Evan;1761560; said:
Love it...maybe Masoli should actually pay attention in those graduate parks & rec classes!

Gotta love that SEC baby. Toughest conference Top (Florida) to Bottom (ole Miss)

Where does Bama fit in?

Also Oregon didn't look like they missed a beat. I still got them winning the Pac 10.
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jlb1705;1761514; said:

OhioState001;1761515; said:
Holy Shit

Rugger;1761516; said:

Buckeneye;1761517; said:

dav713;1761519; said:

EDDIE GGGG27;1761520; said:

osugrad21;1761522; said:
Holy hell....WOW

buxfan4life;1761524; said:
Holy shit!!!! Nice pass and catch!!

Rugger;1761532; said:
IT'S GOOD! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's official: This is now the second holiest thread on BuckeyePlanet, after Tim Tebow's thread.
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Evan;1761560; said:
Love it...maybe Masoli should actually pay attention in those graduate parks & rec classes!

Gotta love that SEC baby. Toughest conference Top (Florida) to Bottom (ole Miss)

If the NCAA changes the center-qb exchange next year to a "roll it to the quarterback" rule, we will OWN you fuckers!!!!!! :banger:
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Where does Bama fit in?

Also Oregon didn't look like they missed a beat. I still got them winning the Pac 10.
You need to read this as if it were written by the blind homer who screams SEC SPEED as the rebuttal to every argument...ie it's not even close to accurate...but it sure is fun!

oh, and it was nice to see bama give up an early 3 points to san jose st
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Jacksonville State 49 Ole Miss 48 2OT

Just in case anyone was unaware of how dominant the SEC is

Jacksonville St vs. Mississippi - Recap - September 4, 2010 - College Football - SI.com

Bear in mind that even a mid tier SEC team would win the Big Ten easily, as they are so much faster than we are. Don't let the fact that they just got beat by an FCS team fool you, Ole Miss could still probably win the Big Ten this year, beating tOSU by at least 21 points.

We clearly don't understand because we don't play in the SEC. The occasional loss to a lesser team is from the beating that teams in the SEC give each other every week. It's not like they were fresh for this game, they practiced against themselves, an SEC team.

Just remember fellow buckeye fans, if we ever have to play an SEC team again, there's no way we can compete with them, because they are practically an NFL division.

Oh, and the only reason that JSU was able to win is because of their southern FCS speed.

The fact that Masoli was part of this game makes it somehow sweeter as well.


Go Bucks!
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Gatorubet;1761604; said:
Considering the humble nature our fan base generally, let alone the last four years, this has always puzzled me. :confused:

All LSU's fault. You have to admit....they do have a lot of douche bag fans. They fuck it up for everybody. Oh and South Carolina fans.....you all can take it up the ass to. They aren't going to be or amount to shit. The rest of the SEC, you guys are ok in my book.
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The only two LSU fans I know here are absolutely insufferable. They are also so unbelievably brainwashed in southern revisionist history that it is ridiculous. They think Louisiana became a state before Illinois, Indiana, etc., and that the population of the South has always outnumbered the North (and still does) and that they're the center of the universe... It's funny. And they go to NYU, which is even funnier.
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