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It's going to be USC, whats everyones thoughts?

Wife and I watched (hot) Arizona play rival Arizona State...........
Arizona looked awful and lost.
Wife said,"Those teams suck!"
I have to agree.
Cal sucks.
Oregon State, which nipped USC, sucks. Lost 42-14 to Boise State.
Oregon sucks. They nipped Oklahoma when the refs blew 2 calls!
UCLA, had a shot at beating Notre Shame and their coach choked!

Outside of USC, is there another decent team in the Pac? :shake:
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Dryden;670904; said:
So am I the only one that laughed out loud at Musburger last night when he said, "The road to Glendale is paved with Trojans."

Talk about your sticky situations!

Yeah... That was pretty much the funniest thing Mussy's ever said... Other than "Looks like Troy Smith will have to come back in the 4th quarter again!" (saying this 4 minutes into the freaking game!!!)
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Buckeye89Fan;670908; said:
Yeah... That was pretty much the funniest thing Mussy's ever said... Other than "Looks like Troy Smith will have to come back in the 4th quarter again!" (saying this 4 minutes into the freaking game!!!)

haha yea i remember that. right after michigan scored the first touchdown. ironic cause we never had to come back :biggrin:
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I thought that Booty was very slow dropping back, and that he got pressured in the 2nd quarter, 2 int's at least
THeir D line didn't get much of a pass rush. Their strentgh is in the LB's And Db's who hit very hard.
On the aforementioned long Quinn run I was laughing just watching him. He kind of reminded me of Mich's kicker trying to tackle Ginn on his td run a cpl years ago.
I think we will beat them, and it may not be close
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Buckeye89Fan;671009; said:
Never have liked Mussy, never will! He's just an obnoxious announcer...

I agree, he's a complete ass. It was the best when ND was trying to come back last night and Mussy was hinting that Brady Quinn deserves a Heisman because of the way he was playing. Then, he realized when Quinn couldn't win the game, that Troy Smith did indeed deserver a heisman trophy. What an ass, I'm glad we probably won't have to listen to him this year since the game is on Fox.
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This is the match-up I've been salivating about for 3 years. Buckeyes vs. Trojans, Tressel vs. Carroll. Two old school Big-10, Pac-10 powers. Should be a blast.*

*-provided USC defeats UCLA this week. Way too early prediction 35-27 Bucks.
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Taosman;670901; said:
Oregon sucks. They nipped Oklahoma when the refs blew 2 calls!

And exactly how many games have you seen?

They suck but not for the reasons you're probably thinking of. We have no discipline. ZIPO! We've outgained or atleast come close to putting up the same amount of yards as our opposition in every game. We actually outgained Arizona, who we lost to 37-10, but 6 motherfucking turnovers killed us!! :mad2: It's turnovers(we have an ungodly amount of them), dumb penalties, and horrible special teams that cause us to lose. If we have half the discipline of most teams we'd be ranked in the top 10 with our only loss being to USC.

Oregon sucks because of a tremendous lack of discipline. Nobody watches our games so they just assume the talent isn't there.

And for the original topic, I think Bucks win 45-28. Though that prediction may change before the game.
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OregonBuckeye;671124; said:
And exactly how many games have you seen?

They suck but not for the reasons you're probably thinking of. We have no discipline. ZIPO! We've outgained or atleast come close to putting up the same amount of yards as our opposition in every game. We actually outgained Arizona, who we lost to 37-10, but 6 motherfucking turnovers killed us!! :mad2: It's turnovers(we have an ungodly amount of them), dumb penalties, and horrible special teams that cause us to lose. If we have half the discipline of most teams we'd be ranked in the top 10 with our only loss being to USC.

Oregon sucks because of a tremendous lack of discipline. Nobody watches our games so they just assume the talent isn't there.

And for the original topic, I think Bucks win 45-28. Though that prediction may change before the game.
So you're agreeing that Oregon sucks then? :wink2:
By the way, I think they suck too, but not for those reasons. I just hate them because of their awful uniforms.:biggrin:
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