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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

LitlBuck;1464363; said:
The Indians closed the door to their locker room last night after being shut out two games in a row. This could be an improvement if someone could permanently keep the doors closed. I guess the only bright spot in the past two games is that the bullpen did not blow it for them.
So true. :lol:

Glad we called LaPorta up to sit him on the bench. :roll1: I know he's struggled a bit, but this team is going nowhere. Either play him to see how he handles it, or send him down for more seasoning. Either way, make a damn commitment. Also, while I'm bitching, I think it's becoming pretty clear Carmona was a one-year wonder. Dude just can't seem to get his location down. Maybe he can fix it and become a solid ML starter, but I'm now filled with doubt.
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Already 4-0 in the second. :slappy:

Guess I can rescind my prediction that Reyes would be a solid #5.

Also worth pointing out what a turd Grady has been so far this season.

Oh, and LaPorta sitting this one too, good move calling him up to occupy the pine. Pure comedy.
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New bat for Grady...
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Wedgey should be out and I wouldn't be upset to see Shapiro go with him to be honest.

This team is a loser and it's time to see what some of the young guys can do.

I'm with NFBuck. I was excited when I saw Laporta coming up and he hasn't played at all.

What the fuck?

This team is a disaster. Closed door meeting last night?? What a joke.
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Considering the other products of MSU

In this light I expect gloating after winning a meaningless series in May. Good baseball Tigers. After all they cant claim superiority over tOSU football so they have to reach for things.
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Every game counts guys. I expect the Tribe to bounce back, Tigers are lucky they played them at a perfect time this past week.

Congrats on bringing up football in a baseball thread though. I thought MSU/OSU fans were supposed to get along with each other. We both hate scUM.
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