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Indians Tidbits (2008 season)

Mastny and Lewis pitch very well when we are behind by 9 runs.:shake:

Maybe Marte was looking over his shoulder and will begin to hit.

Maybe Garko should start looking over his shoulder:sad2:.

Maybe Dellucci should not see the playing field for the Indians anymore this season.:cry:

And finally, Gut needs to be just a designated defensive OF worm pinch runner until he regains his hitting stroke. If Chin has to go into the military before 2010, we need to find another corner outfielder desperately and our minor leaguers are a couple years away. We need to sign someone in free agency.
I read someone's suggestion that perhaps Grady could get moved to a corner outfield spot while a player like Trevor Crowe could step in at CF. That would get the Indians a power bat at a corner outfield position.

I really like the moves the Tribe are making. It's about the only thing worth keeping up with as they try to assemble an idea of next year's team.
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We're not moving Grady from CF. . . He's a gold glover. He's destined for the 3 hole in the batting order, though. That's if Crowe can step into the lead-off role or we find someone in free agency who can.

Loved that Dodgers trade, though. Meloan was a filthy reliever for them until they decided to convert him to a starter. Like Carlos Santana too. Shapiro "is so smooth. . ."
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billmac91;1216020; said:
amazing decesion to pitch to morneau with first base open, 2 outs, runner on second.

I just don't get it....maybe 5 managers in baseball make that decesion to pitch to one of the hottest hitters in the game.


:lol: he has that "im dumb" look to go along with his actions
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Grady could get moved to a corner outfield spot while a player like Trevor Crowe could step in at CF.
That is not a good idea. If anyone should learn to be a corner outfielder it should be Crowe and not Grady. Grady is too valuable of a CF to move him. I would not mind moving him to the 3 hole as others have suggested but we do not move him from CF.
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mstevmac;1215973; said:
#1 What the heck...why and HOW is Sowers pitching so well right now. And #2, why would you designate Laffey instead of Sowers?
Have you noticed Laffey's last few starts? He's out-Sowersed Sowers.

Eric Wedge is functionally retarded...I've always had that suspicion, today confirmed it.
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a few points over the last few days:

1. cleveland wasn't going to get any better return for Blake. Meloan is in the pen in Buffalo and may end up being a September call-up.

2. Sowers is now in sink or swim mode and he knows it. he has been demoted a few times, pitched great in buffalo, only to flounder back in the bigs. he needs to stay in the rotation to see if he can make it or not.

3. laffey is having mechanical issues, which is keeping his sinker up. it happens. besides, there are rumblings that byrd is on his way out, so laffey's stay in buffalo may be short.

as for wedge's decision. if there is one complaint I have about Wedge, it's that he does everything by the numbers and by the book. it's really a mechanical line of thinking, which never takes the human factor into consideration. the major flaw with this is that it looks good when you have consistent players. however, if there is one thing this cleveland team lacks, it's any semblence of consistency (at least the good kind).

the remainder of this season is a success if cleveland can find a couple of young guys that can stick with the club in '09.
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tsteele316;1216496; said:
a few points over the last few days:

1. cleveland wasn't going to get any better return for Blake. Meloan is in the pen in Buffalo and may end up being a September call-up.

2. Sowers is now in sink or swim mode and he knows it. he has been demoted a few times, pitched great in buffalo, only to flounder back in the bigs. he needs to stay in the rotation to see if he can make it or not.

3. laffey is having mechanical issues, which is keeping his sinker up. it happens. besides, there are rumblings that byrd is on his way out, so laffey's stay in buffalo may be short.

as for wedge's decision. if there is one complaint I have about Wedge, it's that he does everything by the numbers and by the book. it's really a mechanical line of thinking, which never takes the human factor into consideration. the major flaw with this is that it looks good when you have consistent players. however, if there is one thing this cleveland team lacks, it's any semblence of consistency (at least the good kind).

the remainder of this season is a success if cleveland can find a couple of young guys that can stick with the club in '09.

not to be a dick tsteele, but why is it so outrageous to look at the human factor of Joe Borowski being a carrpy closer? The guy had a +5 ERA last year, and routinely gave up runs in save opportunities, only to close the game out by the skin of his teeth.

I don't know Perez' career numbers against Morneau, but yes, a terrible decesion. He was 0-4 going into that at bat, but he's been raking for the last 2 months. You just don't let that guy beat you with first base open, 2 outs. So basic.....
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billmac91;1216500; said:
not to be a dick tsteele, but why is it so outrageous to look at the human factor of Joe Borowski being a carrpy closer? The guy had a +5 ERA last year, and routinely gave up runs in save opportunities, only to close the game out by the skin of his teeth.

I don't know Perez' career numbers against Morneau, but yes, a terrible decesion. He was 0-4 going into that at bat, but he's been raking for the last 2 months. You just don't let that guy beat you with first base open, 2 outs. So basic.....
I agree with tsteele for once:wink2:. That is my biggest problem with Wedge. He does everything "by the numbers and the book". Saying that, if first base was indeed open with a guy on second yesterday, I don't understand why he pitched to JM. He did not bring Peres in Saturday night to face Morneau so why did he let him pitch to him yesterday. It's almost like Wedge can't make up is my what he wants to do but for the majority of the season he has always gone by the book and that doesn't always work.
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billmac91;1216500; said:
not to be a dick tsteele, but why is it so outrageous to look at the human factor of Joe Borowski being a carrpy closer? The guy had a +5 ERA last year, and routinely gave up runs in save opportunities, only to close the game out by the skin of his teeth.

I don't know Perez' career numbers against Morneau, but yes, a terrible decesion. He was 0-4 going into that at bat, but he's been raking for the last 2 months. You just don't let that guy beat you with first base open, 2 outs. So basic.....

we've beaten the borowski horse to death. you choose to ignore statistics which run contrary to your opinion, so we'll leave that alone.

as for pitching to Morneau, you are thinking too far into it. the thinking is that kobayashi has been tough against lefties (.229 BA), and Morneau had never seen him before, and was taking an 0'fer to that point. however, morneau was 2-9 against perez with 2 walks and 4 rbi. so, the by the by logic says to go with kobayashi there and let him nibble. it failed.
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