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Illinois Fighting Illini (you'll see)

MililaniBuckeye;1177904; said:
Your stay here is about to come to an abrupt end...

it doesn't really matter what i say from now on because this is still a buckeye board, and it is still their rules. this whole thread should be deleted because illini fans aren't allowed to say anything anyway, just ask Lopo and Thakid. you defend your team and get banned.
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The funny thing about all this is that darrin makes a pretty good point about the 6/3 article from Palmetto.

In the 6/2 article he lists the schools Boyd is still considering, which happens to be 15, and happens to include the Illini. In the 6/3 Palmetto article, it says he has narrowed his list to 15, then proceeds to list 14 schools, the same schools as the 6/2 article, with the notable omission of the Illini.

It does seem like the authormay have accidentally failed to include the Illini when compiling what he was told.

That being said, I love it when stupid shit like this blows up! :banger:
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it doesn't really matter what i say from now on because this is still a buckeye board, and it is still their rules. this whole thread should be deleted because illini fans aren't allowed to say anything anyway, just ask Lopo and Thakid. you defend your team and get banned.
that's weird, we have a USC fan as a mod and a Florida fan who is such a welcome poster that he contributed his own money to the site.

maybe we just hate the state of illinois?
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illinidarrin;1177908; said:
it doesn't really matter what i say from now on because this is still a buckeye board, and it is still their rules. this whole thread should be deleted because illini fans aren't allowed to say anything anyway, just ask Lopo and Thakid. you defend your team and get banned.

I think the accusations of inaccurate reporting leveled against BP probably doesn't qualify as defending one's team. :p
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BuckeyeNation27;1177912; said:
you find it typical that buckeye mods put you in your place? i think that's a you problem.

yep, you really put me in my place. you cannot disagree with a Buckeye view on here or you're gone, plain and simple. If thats putting me in my place then i guess every outsider will be put in their place because you dont have a say in anything.
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illinidarrin;1177908; said:
it doesn't really matter what i say from now on because this is still a buckeye board, and it is still their rules. this whole thread should be deleted because illini fans aren't allowed to say anything anyway, just ask Lopo and Thakid. you defend your team and get banned.
No, you act like an arrogant a-hole, and you get banned.

You are not "defending your team" (whatever the Hell that means), you are spewing a bunch of mindless propaganda that has no connection to reality. Do you really wonder why Illini fans have such a well-earned reputation for idiocy when it comes to recruiting? Well, maybe it's because Zook offers 100 kids every year, and you think that each one of them is an Illini lock - Melvin Fellows and Marcus Hall and Eric Shrive and Kraig Appleton and Lamaar Thomas and the list goes on and on and on and on and on..... Quite frankly, we are sick and tired of hearing about it, especially when you are wrong 90% of the time. If you have any real information about a recruit, then please share it with us ... but don't feed us regurgitated JeffJ crap and try to pass it off as gospel - that just won't fly here on BP.

If you want to discuss Illinois recruiting with other delusional Illini fans, then try RecruitingPlanet - you know how to find it. If you insist on "defending your team" here on BP, then do it in a respectful manner without all of the accusations and challenges ... and the smarmy attitude.
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yep, you really put me in my place. you cannot disagree with a Buckeye view on here or you're gone, plain and simple. If thats putting me in my place then i guess every outsider will be put in their place because you dont have a say in anything.
First of all, it wasn't me.
Second, you did get put in your place. Jwins is pretty good at that.
Third, we all know you're doing the "blow up on another teams board" bit....probably so you can go back to yours and complain about how you were unfairly banned. If you gave a shit about defending your team and being allowed to post here, you wouldn't be going about it like a 10 year old.
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illinidarrin;1177920; said:
yep, you really put me in my place. you cannot disagree with a Buckeye view on here or you're gone, plain and simple. If thats putting me in my place then i guess every outsider will be put in their place because you dont have a say in anything.

PSST, illinidarrin, come a little closer I don't want anybody else to be in on this secret. If you come to an Ohio State fan site there will most likely be an Ohio State biased in the way people make their posts. PSSST...come closer one more time. I bet if an Ohio State fan posted on an Illinois board, there might be an Illinois flavor to the posting on that forum. PSSSST.. Lean in close just one last time...IF YOU DON"T LIKE IT YOU CAN LEAVE AT ANY DAMN TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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LordJeffBuck;1177931; said:
No, you act like an arrogant a-hole, and you get banned.

You are not "defending your team" (whatever the Hell that means), you are spewing a bunch of mindless propaganda that has no connection to reality. Do you really wonder why Illini fans have such a well-earned reputation for idiocy when it comes to recruiting? Well, maybe it's because Zook offers 100 kids every year, and you think that each one of them is an Illini lock - Melvin Fellows and Marcus Hall and Eric Shrive and Kraig Appleton and Lamaar Thomas and the list goes on and on and on and on and on..... Quite frankly, we are sick and tired of hearing about it, especially when you are wrong 90% of the time. If you have any real information about a recruit, then please share it with us ... but don't feed us regurgitated JeffJ crap and try to pass it off as gospel - that just won't fly here on BP.

If you want to discuss Illinois recruiting with other delusional Illini fans, then try RecruitingPlanet - you know how to find it. If you insist on "defending your team" here on BP, then do it in a respectful manner without all of the accusations and challenges ... and the smarmy attitude.

a little bit of an overstatement to say i think that i say every top player is a lock for Illinois. you are flat out wrong about that. i dont think you want to go down the road of being arrogant when you have Buckeye fans who think it's their god given right to get every top player. you may be blinded by it because you are buckeye fan, but you have no clue how you guys look also as a fanbase.
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Frohlich;1177939; said:
PSST, illinidarrin, come a little closer I don't want anybody else to be in on this secret. If you come to an Ohio State fan site there will most likely be an Ohio State biased in the way people make their posts. PSSST...come closer one more time. I bet if an Ohio State fan posted on an Illinois board, there might be an Illinois flavor to the posting on that forum. PSSSST.. Lean in close just one last time...IF YOU DON"T LIKE IT YOU CAN LEAVE AT ANY DAMN TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

then why even have an illini recruiting thread in the first place on a Buckeye site? thats seems very dumb.
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A report came out with ILL in top-15. You embraced that as gold.
Another report comes out without ILL in top-15, and you throw a fit... an inconsistency you continue to ignore.
Never mind that another person spoke personally with Jheranie with no mention of Illinois... or other Ill insiders that don't see Boyd coming there.

Clearly this is all OUR problem. Surely the problem doesn't lie with you, who looks to our site for relayed info, but bites the hand that feeds you when it isn't your preferred spoon-feeding. When challenged on this, you resort to martyrdom and 'typical buckeye mod' rather than actually forming any semblance of a comeback.
a little bit of an overstatement to say i think that i say every top player is a lock for Illinois. you are flat out wrong about that. i dont think you want to go down the road of being arrogant when you have Buckeye fans who think it's their god given right to get every top player. you may be blinded by it because you are buckeye fan, but you have no clue how you guys look also as a fanbase.
Hilarious. You bash someone for hyperbole and retaliate with a heaping of your own? You may be blinded by it because you don't like buckeye fans, but you have no clue how you look with this nonsense quoted above.
illinidarrin;1177944; said:
then why even have an illini recruiting thread in the first place on a Buckeye site? thats seems very dumb.
Too bad you threw the temper tantrum in Boyd's thread, not here.

You've been here long enough to observe how things work here. The recruiting forum has much tighter rules for nonsense, swearing and off-topic rabbit trails... especially soapboxes by other fanbases. HailtoMichigan gets into 10-50 page debates in RichRod's thread as well as the TSUN one, but knows to do so there instead of turning Kevin Newsome's thread into a circus.
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illinidarrin;1177942; said:
a little bit of an overstatement to say i think that i say every top player is a lock for Illinois. you are flat out wrong about that. i dont think you want to go down the road of being arrogant when you have Buckeye fans who think it's their god given right to get every top player. you may be blinded by it because you are buckeye fan, but you have no clue how you guys look also as a fanbase.
Every school has its share of arrogant fans ... and ours get banned from other schools' boards all the time. Yours get banned here. What don't you understand about that?

As far as Buckeye fans' belief that it is "our god given right to get every top player" ... you have been around BP long enough to know that we don't operate that way. We are very open and honest about Ohio State's chances with recruits - we don't blow sunshine up our fans' asses like some so-called recruiting gurus.

But let's face it - maybe Ohio State fans are right to have a sense of entitlement, since the Buckeyes do get more than their fair share of "top players" - far more than any other team in the Big Ten, including your beloved Illini. That's not being arrogant, that's just a fact.

As far as our fanbase goes - no one hates Purdue's fans, so we must be doing something right.
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illinidarrin;1177944; said:
then why even have an illini recruiting thread in the first place on a Buckeye site? thats seems very dumb.

Your missing the point ENTIRELY.

Let me put this into terms that might make a little sense to you. If Illinois is playing in Columbus and you come to the game. It's not that you are not welcome in our stadium...I mean to paraphrase your own post...why build a stadium if fans can't come to watch the game. The point is you are in our house...our stadium in my example... If you expect there won't be a Buckeye bias at home Buckeye game then you are sorely mistaken. You have to be prepared to be treated slightly differently then a Buckeye fan...doesn't mean you can't have a good time. If you act like a fool and throw around a bunch of Illinois banter then be prepared to be put into your place or potentially shown the door. Same thing would happen to a Buckeye fan in Champaign for a game. Go there and act with respect and class and the Buckeye fan will be fine...bitch and moan and start bashing the home team and things might not go so smoothly.
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