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Illinois Fighting Illini (you'll see)

illinidarrin;1177944; said:
then why even have an illini recruiting thread in the first place on a Buckeye site? thats seems very dumb.
Why come to a Buckeye site to talk about Illinois recruiting? That seems very dumb.

Look, one of the reasons that Clarity, Grad, Wade, and I set up RecruitingPlanet was so that fans of other schools could have their own "little BP's" to talk about their own recruits. I know that you frequent RP. Does any Buckeye fan harass you over there? No. Do Wade, Grad, and I give you warnings over there? No. Are Lopo and ThaKid banned over there? No. Are you free to talk about Illinois recruiting over there, without limitation or interference from the nasty BP mods? Yes. So, why come here? Seriously. Are you really looking for honest discussion, or are you evangelizing or trolling?

If you really like BP - and I trust that you do, since you keep coming back for more - why don't you try chilling out a bit and become part of the community? Maybe try your hand on the Open Discussion board. Make a few nice posts over there, and all of a sudden people forget that you are an Illini fan. Get a reputation for being a "regular guy" and maybe people don't bash you so much when you venture into discussions about your team. Just a thought ... but it has worked well for others.
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illinidarrin;1177908; said:
it doesn't really matter what i say from now on because this is still a buckeye board, and it is still their rules. this whole thread should be deleted because illini fans aren't allowed to say anything anyway, just ask Lopo and Thakid. you defend your team and get banned.

I have no interest in piling on here. It serves no point. I will only say that Darrin I hope you are a young guy and can learn from this experience. Man, you've got to learn to pick your battles in life. Much of the linked recruiting info is from Rivals, Scout, or a newspaper. If in this instance that linked info is incomplete, then your beef is with the newspaper, or maybe the recruiting service who mistakenly added a 15th team earlier. The real thing is that at this point it doesn't matter. It will all shake out. If Ill. is a player they will be in the talk in the future. Boyd isn't likely going to committ in the next few days, and a discrepancy in infomation today will be long forgotten next month. If you are thinking the Mods here must be pushing a conspiracy against the Illini, then I for one aren't buying.

The strength of BP is for its most part professional businesslike approach. I have faith that any poster from other teams fanbase will always be welcome here as long as he tries to adhere to this principle. At the same time chest thumping flamers are annoying as hell on our own board. As many have said, if you wish to throw a fit, there are other places for you. The most recent update for K. appleton has Osu in the top three. Tomorrows update probably won't even have us in the top five, but in the scheme of things it doesn't matter. As each recruiting situation moves to a conclusion, the chaff is sifted away and the real players become more obvious. Why get into a petty argument over stupidity before any of us even know who these recruits are really serious about. They don't hand out "Oscars" to the winner and there isn't much prestige in finishing in the top five.
ORoughy seems to add to BP without ending up in a tussle, so it can be done. My advice would be to get yourself a new username, bring a professional attitude with your ego in your pocket, and you will enjoy your time here in the future. Unless of course your real name is Trey McNeil.
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illinidarrin;1177908; said:
it doesn't really matter what i say from now on because this is still a buckeye board, and it is still their rules. this whole thread should be deleted because illini fans aren't allowed to say anything anyway, just ask Lopo and Thakid. you defend your team and get banned.

illinidarrin;1177920; said:
yep, you really put me in my place. you cannot disagree with a Buckeye view on here or you're gone, plain and simple. If thats putting me in my place then i guess every outsider will be put in their place because you dont have a say in anything.

illinidarrin;1177944; said:
then why even have an illini recruiting thread in the first place on a Buckeye site? thats seems very dumb.

Instead of going through a big huge explanation, I'll just prove you right...take a free vacation courtesy of me. If you really want to lump yourself in with ThaKid and Lopo, then you really are more of an idiot than I originally thought.

If you are so damn stupid to honestly think that we would intentionally delete Illifuckingflashinthepanois out of some damn article, you really are more an idiot than I originally thought.

Click the link jackass...that's why we provide them. See it with your own eyes...then accuse Scout and Phil Kornblut of lying. Its all a HUGE Buckeye conspiracy.

Piss on that...this site is the efforts of numerous people. There is absolutely ZERO chance that you will come in here and desecrate those efforts.
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osugrad21;1178004; said:
Instead of going through a big huge explanation, I'll just prove you right...take a free vacation courtesy of me. If you really want to lump yourself in with ThaKid and Lopo, then you really are more of an idiot than I originally thought.

If you are too damn stupid to honestly think that we would intentionally delete Illifuckingflashinthepanois out of some damn article, you really are more an idiot than I originally thought.

Click the link jackass...that's why we provide them. See it with your own eyes...then accuse Scout and Phil Kornblut of lying. Its all a HUGE Buckeye conspiracy.

Piss on that...this site is the efforts of numerous people. There is absolutely ZERO chance that you will come in here and desecrate those efforts.
Illinidarrin has no shot.
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Guys, how does it feel to be so terribly wrong? :wink2:
lol, i have been banned from there even though i havent said anything for a while today. their reasoning. "for being a typical Illinois a$". thats what it says.
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BuckeyeNation27;1178024; said:
and somewhere on an Illinois board, there is a post being created titled "Those guys at BuckeyePlant are such Nazis"


jwinslow;1178033; said:
Breaking news .... BuckeyePlanet is now officially reporting that North Carolina wide receiver Jheranie Boyd is a "lock" for Illinois. Full story at eleven....

Feel better now, darrin?
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I also love how one poster chiming in counts as 'reporting' and then an entire site will be taken to task for it for hours. One can only imagine the things their free board 'reports' when applying this myopic definition.

Explanations do little good when you can't even understand the distinction between journalism and random message board posts.
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illinidarrin on some lame Illini site said:
what is your point even being here? why dont dont you go celebrate your championships the last 2 years. oops, that right.
Oh, the crushing blow! I didn't think that even someone as dastardly as darrin would sink so low as to point out the fact that the Buckeyes have been the second best team in all of college football for the past two years in a row. It especially hurts coming from a fan of a team that hasn't won a national championship since 1927. :cry:
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