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Illinois Fighting Illini (you'll see)

Wow, Zooker. Just...WOW. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Nominate | Report Posted: 11/24/2011 11:24 PM
RE: Talent is much better vs the end of the Turner and Tepper er

The talent at Illinois is as good as it's ever been. There are multiple top pro players yearly and a lot more on the way with Mercilus, Hawthorne, Brown, etc. etc. IMO, one of the biggest reasons Zook should stay is he is one of the few coaches in the country that can pull top talent from anywhere to a school like Illinois. You can't underestimate having top players, and Zook is a few of those away from having this thing take off. He's gotten a few recently so it's definitely going to have others buzzing about the Illini. With a monster class I think they will make a jump similar to Clemson this year.
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NFBuck;2048963; said:
You're one of my sources...you and his posting.


NFBuck;2048975; said:
With Zooker's goose cooked, they should really give Mike Leach a call...

That's who I suggested over at Frank the Tank's blog. I stated it was because Illinois was obligated to keep the required "crazy bastard ratio" after firing Zook but I am somewhat serious. He would be a blast to have in the conference.
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I don't think I can start a vBet on which day Zook gets officially canned, since there's a good chance it could happen before the vBet would be closed.
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buckeyesin07;2048546; said:
No doubt. Starting 6-0 and finishing the season at 6-6? I didn't think Zook could do it, but he proved me wrong. :lol:

For this season only, (for some strange reason) I don't think we should make fun of coaches with a 6-6 record. :biggrin:

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Poor thakid:

Nominate | Report Posted: 11/25/2011 12:23 AM
RE: Brown and Atkins are recruiting their teammate...

STLINI wrote:
ThaKid101 wrote:
I really think if Zook is back and they bring in a monster class things will take off.​
You should just copy this and re-post before every season. I've been waiting for things to take off since our Rose Bowl season. Still waiting...........​

They were. Then 2008 and 2009 happened. And they got a whole new staff. They've rebounded as well as they possibly could and are now back on the cusp, but it's a big difference this time . Now they're coming off two straight bowl games (Potentially wins) with great stability/a great staff and they have a core base of talent in place to be a competitive, top part of the B10 type of team. They're only a few impact players away from being a top B10, national type of team and they're in the process of adding them. In addition to 4 star LB Brown, etc. they just added an impact type of RB in Dami Ayoola which is exactly what they need. With more impact players in this class Zook will get the boost needed to take this team to a legit national type of team a la Clemson. Recruiting is gaining a lot of momentum. A lot of top prospects either have or are in the process of setting up visits. If they decide to keep Zook, they won't regret it IMO.

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