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Game Thread Illinois 28, Ohio State 21 (final)

Kiki_Buckeye;990783; said:
Perhaps I'm not as subtle and eloquent as the many other fans on this forum who have expressed their personal views on the topic of the Buckeye loss. If you re-read many of the posts on this thread, however, you'll see that my comments are about as subtle and as eloquent as the rest of the folks.

On my behalf, I don't resort to personal attacks, I respect the opinions of others, and I don't become defensive or threaten/request to have others kicked off because their views are not aligned with mine. I also never question the Buckeye loyalty of others on this forum.

Beg to differ:

Kiki_Buckeye;990407; said:
YOU GTFOH - YOU AREN'T ON THE TEAM ZOOKBOY..you want to defend shitty play and look forward to playing an interconference game, then fine. WTF, WEEEE don't even have a conference championship.

Calling the team on bad performance does not mean lack of support for the Buckeyes. I just refuse to give the Illini credit where credit is not due. WEEEEE suxed and because WEEEEEE suxed, WEEEEEEE lost a chance at the NC. And yeah, being 10-1 and losing that fine opportunity is a damn shame.

Beating a 10-3 team who lost to Appy isn't all that exciting in the big scheme of things. Vindicating last years debacle would have earned US a little more respect on the national scene.
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First time program that started watching the bucks in the 60's. Tough loss but strangely not as hard to take as other losses. Some of my observations:
I think we saw yesterday the result of not getting enough DL recruits in the past few years. The DL is still young and depth is an issue. The DB's are young and a good game plan can confuse them. This loss will make them stronger in the next 1-2 years. Though they made a lot of tackles, I still believe that the current lbs are a step below some of our other lbs from the past. The entire defense is still young.

Offensively, we have done a remarkable job with a young offense. Couple that with injuries at RB this year and a new QB and its amazing that we have been able to put up the numbers we have. I will miss Kirk Barton...for his intensity alone. I expected more out of Boone in his career but would love to see him back.

Final thought...One of the complaints about Cooper was that we couldn't keep juniors from going pro early. I know its the nature of the beast, but I would love to see some of them pull off a Mike Doss. Losing the talent in their final year catches up to you at times. A Michigan win years down the line will make this loss a little easier. Go Bucks.
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BukOff;990780; said:
Although they should have done something about the pending celebration during the game, I certainly appreciate their willingness to not just sit there and watch someone disrespect our University and the program by dancing on our logo. The NCAA should suspend the players who thought that was a good idea to begin with. Classless. You'll never see a Tressel team pull that bullshit. I lay the blame with Zook for not instilling the proper respect for opponents in his players.

Good Point, Zook coached a good game but he lost control of his players at the end when they did that. Dancing on the Block O is like wiping their dirty shoes in the middle of your new family room carpet. Totally classless, but they weren't trying to be. We reacted as anyone would when you get dumped on. I say we change the motto from "Never Satisfied" to Never Allow Shit in our House". Next year we will not only remove their shoes after the game, but we will stuff them somewhere so that the excrement won't flow.

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scooter1369;990716; said:
10-1 going into Ann Arbor. Before the season started, I was expecting to be 8-3. So I'm not in the least bit disappointed. We are going to be a fantastic team next season.

Zook came in with a good gameplan and athletes galore. They just made more plays than we did.

Let's make Michigan our Bichigan and end the season right.

This is how I'm coping. Before the season started, I had hoped for 9-10 wins. This team is young and inexperienced and I for one never saw a run for the national championship in our future 3 months ago. With that said, I got caught up in the excitement of it all and in the possibilities. It was a very fun ride. But now that the NC dream is over, I'm still stoked at the possibility of beating scUM and going to the Rose Bowl. We have nothing to hang our heads about.

My only true concern is our DL as many have said. Letting your opponent control the ball for 8 and half minutes running the ball is hard to handle. Granted they were exhausted by then, but still, I think our DL got pantsed. We've got a lot to prepare for before scUM. Let's hope these guys get determined and angry and take it out on the maize and blue.

And as Scooter said above, this will be a very good team next year...very good! And that's why we are blessed to be Buckeye fans...because every year we have REALISTIC possibilities that most do not.

Go BUCKS!!!:oh:
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Kiki_Buckeye;990722; said:
BTW to everyone else: Sux can be used perfectly fine since it is phonetic and the point is to communicate - obviously many of you do understand exactly what I mean.

o, i c...u r rite (for those over 40, that's "Oh, I see..you are right"). wtf skool did u go 2?
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buckiprof;990774; said:
And from my vantage point inside the 'Shoe yesterday, with my 11 year old son by my side, all I could say to him was, "The Bucks didn't do anything during the game to prevent the dancing on the Block O from happening at the end of the game. If they wanted to prevent the Illini from dancing at midfield, they should have taken care of it during the game....not after the game."

Illinois deserved to celebrate, they didn't deserve to be attacked for celebrating.

Celbrating is one thing, but doing it on the Block O is classless. Hats off to them for the W but the Block O is sacred.
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