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If BP-posts were a user's LinkedIn profile... what is their job

Thump is a member of Zanesville city council. He ran for the office to make the highways increase the length of freeway entrance ramps. But then he found out that the city council has no power over it, so he just sits around playing on his Nintendo Switch all day.

Tomateaux Quinoa Gumbeaux is ex-military of the first Gulf War. He caught his CO with an Iraqi prisoner, and was "punished" with a dishonorable discharge. He's since started growing his own vegetables and recycling his own pee so that he can be carbon-neutral. He is secretly building a rocket ship to escape to Venus, but he won't tell his friends because they're all flat-earthers and would take his rocket as an insult.

BN27 - I don't know what he does for a living, but he goes around challenging nerds to see who can take a bigger shit. He's undefeated.

MililaniBuckeye - Used to own his own bar, but is now retired. Now he walks up and down the beach, stepping on little kids' sandcastles.

ORD - Works for a local television news channel trying to expose corrupt businesses. Actually, he's quite successful at it. "Trying" doesn't give what he does justice.

DBB - Successful writer of several novels where he writes in only numbers, and the readers need to figure out the code he created to understand the secret message in the story.

BB73 - Retired. But I'm about 90% sure he could kick the asses of 90% of the other regular posters on this site.
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Thump is a member of Zanesville city council. He ran for the office to make the highways increase the length of freeway entrance ramps. But then he found out that the city council has no power over it, so he just sits around playing on his Nintendo Switch all day.

Tomateaux Quinoa Gumbeaux is ex-military of the first Gulf War. He caught his CO with an Iraqi prisoner, and was "punished" with a dishonorable discharge. He's since started growing his own vegetables and recycling his own pee so that he can be carbon-neutral. He is secretly building a rocket ship to escape to Venus, but he won't tell his friends because they're all flat-earthers and would take his rocket as an insult.

BN27 - I don't know what he does for a living, but he goes around challenging nerds to see who can take a bigger shit. He's undefeated.

MililaniBuckeye - Used to own his own bar, but is now retired. Now he walks up and down the beach, stepping on little kids' sandcastles.

ORD - Works for a local television news channel trying to expose corrupt businesses. Actually, he's quite successful at it. "Trying" doesn't give what he does justice.

DBB - Successful writer of several novels where he writes in only numbers, and the readers need to figure out the code he created to understand the secret message in the story.

BB73 - Retired. But I'm about 90% sure he could kick the asses of 90% of the other regular posters on this site.
BB73 has passed.
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