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I'm too hooked on the Open Source aspect of Firefox -- being able to add extensions and personalize my browser. I can't go back to IE.
Ditto. I love AdBlock and FlashBlock. And tabbed browsing... don't get me started on that! I especially love them on message boards... open one of the forums in one tab then as I am scanning through the threads middle-click on the ones that interest me to open them in new tabs. Then I just go through my tabs reading the threads without having to keep going back or opening them in a new window. Plus the tabs are a lot cleaner... no multiple windows open in the taskbar.

The only time I use IE is when I use financial sites since many of them don't work correctly in Firefox... many of the institutions use Microsoft technology in their websites and don't want to change them for what they think is the "fad of the month" browser. Note to financial institutions: Firefox 'aint goin' away!
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I'm gonna have to second the web programming troubles. Today I had some Javascript that looked perfect. IE wouldn't return the variable from the form. I opened the same page in Firefox and it worked just as it should. I'm gonna guess that the sites that don't display well/right in FF are "optimized" for the loopholes that IE allows in the standards (but I'm not saying FF is 100% standardized).

I also agree that you can't beat AdBlock, tabs, session saver, themes, easier search function, mouse gestures, etc.
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Uhh what? And what language are you coding in? Cause I would say the opposite is true. Half the pages I do display perfectly fine in IE, and not in firefox.
it's easy. firefox conforms to web standards and ie doesn't. If you follow the docs, things will look fine in firefox, then you have to start putting in all of the hacks to make things look proper in ie.

oh, and adblock and greasemonkey rock
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it's easy. firefox conforms to web standards and ie doesn't

I have no idea where you are getting this. I have been all over the net with IE, and everything works perfectly. While using Firefox, I ran into many sites, including my own, that wouldnt display correctly in it. Java screwed up in it all the time.........and Flash worked when it wanted to. I think some of you are making stuff up as you go along :biggrin:
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I have no idea where you are getting this. I have been all over the net with IE, and everything works perfectly. While using Firefox, I ran into many sites, including my own, that wouldnt display correctly in it. Java screwed up in it all the time.........and Flash worked when it wanted to. I think some of you are making stuff up as you go along :biggrin:

us wacky web programmers, making stuff up ... :wink2:

If your site does not display correctly in firefox then it's not written to standards. 99% certain.

http://www.positioniseverything.net/ie-primer.html is just one of the dozens of sites that exist to show web designers how to make stuff work right in ie.
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Well I am not particularly arguing with you, as I do web design myself. I am just saying that I have designed quite a few sites, as well as worked for companies that had web design teams. Never heard a single one of them say that they had a problem coding for IE........but they can never get sites to display correctly in Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, etc. Same with myself, I have never had a site not display perfectly in IE.
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Well I am not particularly arguing with you, as I do web design myself. I am just saying that I have designed quite a few sites, as well as worked for companies that had web design teams. Never heard a single one of them say that they had a problem coding for IE........but they can never get sites to display correctly in Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, etc. Same with myself, I have never had a site not display perfectly in IE.

I just took a course on XHTML and CSS yesterday. The teacher (a web designer for the college) commented on how pages always look better in Firefox than IE. I've heard a few others in the office echo the same sentiments. Just an observation.
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I guess it all goes back to the ol' saying...........if it aint broke, dont fix it. IE has never failed me, where Firefox has (course I give it the benefit of the doubt, because I am definitely bias). I do like alot of the features that firefox has, no doubt. Who knows, I may go back to using it eventually. Depends on how awful IE 7 is when it's final. Sure sucks balls right now. :biggrin:
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For you guys arrguing about which browser follows CSS standards and which does not, ask your self how many Firefox hacks are there needed in CSS? Now, how many have been written for IE? There's your answer. Microsoft always has, does, and always will, do what the fuck they want, compliant or not.
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IE vs. Firefox.... The battle seems to be escalating. A group of "political activists" has teamed up with Google to start offering websites money for referring IE users to switch browsers. They are providing free scripts that will encourage users to switch and the scripts can even (optionally) go as far as blocking IE users from viewing a site.

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