Defense still wins Championships
There's a difference between working perfectly and working the right way (if that makes sense). As for making it up...I have no idea where you are getting this. I have been all over the net with IE, and everything works perfectly. While using Firefox, I ran into many sites, including my own, that wouldnt display correctly in it. Java screwed up in it all the time...
Informationweek.comWeb developers have heaped scorn on IE6 over the years, and with good reason. Building a Web site that works well with modern browsers and IE6 requires memorizing an encyclopedia of hacks and workarounds. IE7 promises to fix many of the most critical bugs and do a better job at following Web standards. Although it won't pass the Acid2 Test (bucknut11's NOTE: neither did Firefox... thus, it's certainly not perfect), the preview version of IE7 Beta 2 has received favorable early reviews from some influential Web designers.