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The one reason I use Firefox may be tabbed browsing, and I could never puruse the forums here without it.

Whenever I log on and have ample time, I go to New posts and lterally center click every one I want to read until I hit the last time I was on.

Without tabbed browsing, I'd sometimes have 20-25 windows open.
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Firefox all the way. I love the personalization with different search engines, layout designs, and extensions. I can't remember the last time I've seen an in-page advertisement thanks to the AdBlock extension. Also, I feel more comfortable with the security aspects.

Furthermore, as a web programmer, it's frustrating when you code a page and IE doesn't bother to render it properly.

One more thing. The bookmark toolbar gets 5 stars. One click access to any of my favorites without hogging a large chunk of the screen.


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I use firefox 95% of the time on all of my computers. It works well, seems to be quicker than IE and I hardly get any pop ups at all. The last thing alone is good enough reason for me to use it. I really hate pop up ads.
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For me, it's Firefox and it's not even close considering the way I use the browser.
Tabbed browsing, RSS feeds, extensions, search choices, bookmarks tool bar, and of course pop up blocking. Superior security.
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I use Firefox and don't plan on going back.

The main reason I went to Firefox is because my IE was and still is messed up. I get this stupid pop up everytime I do something on it. Plus when I enter a site into the address bar, and I make a mistake, I can't backspace(Still can't figure that one out).

I changed to Firefox as a solution to that problem, and got more than I expected out of it.

One thing I don't like is at times a page won't load and you have to press refresh about 15 times to get it to load. Also it messes up on certain websites.

But the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
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I use Firefox and don't plan on going back.

The main reason I went to Firefox is because my IE was and still is messed up. I get this stupid pop up everytime I do something on it. Plus when I enter a site into the address bar, and I make a mistake, I can't backspace(Still can't figure that one out).

I changed to Firefox as a solution to that problem, and got more than I expected out of it.

One thing I don't like is at times a page won't load and you have to press refresh about 15 times to get it to load. Also it messes up on certain websites.

But the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

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IE all the way. Can't stand Firefox. It's slower than slow can be. Some of my favorite sites don't display in Firefox or don't have all the functionality as IE, for example my MSN Money Portfolio. It's also horrible in enterprise environments, which means I don't recommend it to anyone at work.
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