oh, padraig... sorry that i didn't say hello. for some reasion i thought that you'd be assisting ticketholders with where there seats were, that is, at the opening to the stadium. you were checking tickets for section numbers, right? it wasn't until after passing through that check that i remembered that you have a goatee and that i likely passed you. i remember that one of the two guys had a closely shaven goatee. maybe brown. also, at the time he was on the south side of the entrance to 20c. i didn't leave my seat until after the game.
the seats were much better than i thought they'd be. heck, we were practically in 22. our seats (32 and 33) were on about the 40-45. based on pictograms of the stadium, i thought that we'd be closer to 35 or so. we were in row 33. almost at the top but still darn good seats. i can't imagine better seats to watch the game than the front of c around the 50. the view there is perfect.