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I stand with Jim Tressel - How Firm Thy Friendship

UpNorthBuckeye;1887325; said:
I have absolutely no problem saying I still support Tressel and Still want him as a coach for the Buckeyes. I think he was hoping and praying the thing would go away, goofy emails coming from this poor excuse of a trial lawyer (apparently).

I wonder, too, if he wrestled with the question of crime vs no crime. Regardless of what happened to him for not reporting it, selling your rings is not a crime. Jerseys for tattoos is not a crime. But drug use/buying/selling, that's real trouble.

So his reporting the emails makes him the agent for taking it from, potentially, tatto-gate to criminal charges.

I also like to think that, while Bob Davie said that the MAIN reason coaches comply with all of this is to COVER THEIR OWN REAR END ( his words), the last thing JT is worried about is covering his own rear end.

Last comment: I also truly believed the end of his statement - he was glad to find out that no one committed any crimes. That the athletes are all students at Ohio State still, and that they will all graduate from Ohio State.

Go Bucks!

All of this, especially the last comment, and the last two words
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BuckeyeMike80;1887312; said:
any bashing of each other...can be done elsewhere.

I don't think that should be anywhere. People are comparing those who aren't sure what to think with ESPN "hacks." That, I'm not cool with. We're all Buckeyes - an agreement or disagreement with what's going on. Doesn't make anyone more or less of a Buckeye fan.
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3074326;1887335; said:
I don't think that should be anywhere. People are comparing those who aren't sure what to think with ESPN "hacks." That, I'm not cool with. We're all Buckeyes - an agreement or disagreement with what's going on. Doesn't make anyone more or less of a Buckeye fan.

I don't quite have that type of power over people.

However, you're correct in all facets.
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BUCKYLE;1887288; said:
Yes. Another team. There are plenty of MAC schools that would love to have you. ORD_Bobcat has a nice ring to it. :lol:

Ord, my dad knew Vernon Alden and Charles Ping very well. I can fill you in on all of that administrative and BoT inside baseball you love so much. We'll have you sounding like an expert within a week.

The female alumni base is also stunning, btw. :pimp:
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BuckeyeMike80;1887312; said:
Everyone - May I remind you that this thread was intended for support of Jim Tressel as the man we have come to know and respect.

I respectfully request that the debate about this issue and any bashing of each other and certainly of coach Tressel be done elsewhere. There is a thread if you have doubts or whatever about JT now. That's fine. That's not for THIS thread.

Please. Let's keep this civil. We are, after all, BUCKEYES.

Hey, apologies for crashing your party earlier.

Maybe someday soon we can all start talking peacefully to each other about less volatile topics, like religion or politics. :)
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One of the things that continues to comfort me at least a little bit is that Chris Cicero is a twit whom nobody seems to respect very much. Consequently, it's not surprising that Tressel may not have taken the initial emails as seriously as he would have had they come from, say, Greg Lashutka.

With that said, other people I respect seem to be abandoning Coach Tressel pretty quickly right now.
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What "mistake" ?

Of course I support "The Vest" 100%. My question is, "What mistake did he
make?" As I see it, Tress was presented with the possibility of some of his
players being involved in drug-dealing with little or no evidence given to him.
Now far be it for me to actually know what Jim Tressel was thinking at that
point, but having read his book, I'll give it a shot.

As a man who inspires honesty, integrity and self-sacrifice in everyone he
touches, I seriously doubt his first thoughts were of "gold pants", tattoos or
even football games at that moment. He was entrusted with the knowledge
of an ongoing federal investigation and "asked" to keep it confidential. The
violation of that "request" would have quite likely placed him in legal jeopardy,
which Tressel no doubt had confirmed by his attorney. Not only would Tress
be in jeopardy, but foremost in his mind was the front page destruction of a
group of 18-20 year-olds in his charge that would surely have resulted had
"criminal drug investigation" been linked to these young men, and hung around
their necks like a noose by an uncaring, sensationalist, truth be damned,
success-hating media. Never mind that six months later, a fine print, page 8
retraction would reveal that the teenagers merely purchased tattoos and
were completely exonerated of any criminal activity, drug related or otherwise.
The damage already done, irreparably and unapologetically.

It wouldn't surprise me if Gee and/or Smith were also contacted by federal
investigators and also sworn to secrecy and threatened with prosecution
for impeding a federal investigation. That a man widely known for his
unabashed integrity, such as Tressel, was entrusted is no surprise to me
at all.

Jim Tressel has said his first priority was the protection of his players. Was
he protecting them from Gee? From Smith? From tOSU? From the NCAA?
The compliance office? I think not. All of these have (or should have) the
same priority, should they not? The protection Jim Tressel is and was
providing was and is from the scumbag drug traffickers leaching off the
unsuspecting college kids, AND, almost as bad, the hate America first, hate
tOSU media scum. In that I see NO mistake.

For those of you who wish to separate THE Ohio State University from the
people who represent it, and represent very well thank you, my alma mater
is far more than the buildings or trophies. tOSU is first and foremost a world
class university that has produced, and continues to produce outstanding
young men and women graduates that represent a level of excellence without
peer in virtually every walk of life. The athletic dept in general, and Jim
Tressel in particular, have been a significant part of that over the past 10
years. I for one, would like to see that continue.
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Reality Check

Okay, lets not blow this thing way out of proportion, players sold stuff they owned, a coach got an email and didn?t forward it. Nobody was hurt or killed, no crimes committed and nobody had premarital sex. I am shocked that everyone thinks that things like this don?t happen at tOSU or any other MAJOR college football program. This is nothing compared to what probably happens that everyone doesn?t know about...frankly I don't want to know. It?s been that way for a LONG time and people are still shocked when it?s uncovered.

The truth is in order to win at the level that they do, the MAJOR college football programs in the country bring in athletic talent with troubled pasts. Some grow out of it, many do not at the age of 18 - 20. You can?t babysit them 24-7 regardless, they are going to make mistakes, we all do. If you pass on these kids, you are passing on the heavy majority of the top 200 high school ballers in the country. Don?t forget there is a reason Ivy League schools are not perennial top teams, the combination of that level of athletic talent and brains don?t come around very often (i.e. Andrew Luck, Myron Rolle).

I think Tressel did what he felt was best for the kids at the time. Have you seen the penalties these kids get??, they would be sitting out a year and have their chances at their dreams stopped short and possibly only chance at an education stripped. Does that justify what happened?.NO, do they possibly deserve that?. MAYBE?but I for one believe in second chances. This may be the only one these kids get an the talent they have doesn't come around very often. It is always a shame to see it wasted (i.e. Clarrett). I think they deserve every bit of whatever penalty comes their way, but at the same time, in my eyes it is a risk worth taking. It's GO BIG or go home, to live up to the HEAVY expectations put on the program every year you have to take some risks. Some are always going to come back to burn you.

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Bobby Knight said:
"There is no coach in college sports that's a better example, in my mind, of what coaching is all about and what it should be and how things should be done than Jimmy Tressel. He has done a great job at Ohio State, not because he's won a lot of games, but because he has won a lot of games doing things the absolute right way. And I think that he would be at the top of the heap when it came to picking guys that did things the way they were supposed to be done. There isn't anybody who is better in that regard than Jim Tressel is."

Bob Knight is awesome. And I thought that before this quote.
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Change my avatar as my pledge to stand with Coach Tress. If one looks at the overall body of his work and what he represents throughout his career, not only just at OSU, there is no question the kind of integrity this man exemplifies.
I think there are stories we don't know, or never will know (until MAYBE one of those alleged players come forth after his playing days at TOSU), about what he had done to discipline these players behind the scene. Quite frankly, it's none of your or my business. It would be different if it's someone who has given us reason to doubt, but not Coach Tressel. I have faith and will stand behind this man, who has shown great deal of integrity and class through the years i've watched him on our sideline and heard about what he has done for the community off the field. Having faith in something or someone means you believe even without seeing. You can call my trust in Coach Tress blind, but at this point, my admiration for this Christian man will not be shaken.
I see it as when a parent discipline his/her child, it's usually been kept in house. You don't see parents "tattletale-ing" on his kids to the principle at school. You would try your DARN hardest to educate them and to correct their mistakes and PRAY they will be steered right back onto the right path. After all, they ARE your responsibility by default and by the love you have for them. No one outside of that circle should be concerned nor should they butt in your family issues. As long as there is no CRIMINAL infractions, which then will be a legal issue and should be held responsible in public eyes, parents should do the discipline internally. Well, Coach Tressel sat in these kids' parents home, promised to treat them like his own. By default, they are his kids in many ways; many have looked to him as the ONLY father figure they ever have in their young lives. As long as they are not committing criminal offenses (AND in this case, the alleged players have or had not), Coach Tressel was just doing what he think it's the best for his "kids" (and kids they are). The emails exchange tells me that Coach Tressel was told that some of his "kids" may be hanging with the "wrong crowd". I am sure he did what is necessary to nip that in the butt. Just because we don't know about it, it doesn't mean that it didn't happen.
I don't blame the media, because they are not worth of my time. But, it's kind of disheartening to see some Buckeye fans being swayed by those talking heads and ready to pounce on Coach Tressel without putting their shoes in the coach's.
Whatever the "punishment" for what Coach Tressel did may be, I BELIEVE that Coach Tressel was doing it for the best of his kids.


osu.edu ROCKS!!!

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