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I need some serious help before I go postal

LOL, no mas.

As soon as i download it and try to use the burn feature it prompts me for the ID# and when i hit demo it says my demo has expired.

If you say thats the best software to use, I'm just gonna buy the fucker but at this point I'm leery. Why wouldn't this version be at the companies own website?
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Well as usual there are 14 different versions. Nero Ultra, Nero Premium, etc........I have premium. Comes with a few new things that I havent touched yet, but mainly because I dont see any use for them. It has alot more multimedia crap with it now. Like you can associate it to play all your audio and video files.

I will find out more on Friday when my lightscribe burner gets here.
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They have em on newegg for around $50 now.......dual layer, etc.

The disks are a tad more expensive, but nothing crazy.

I actually didnt mean different "versions" of Nero, meant different releases of it. Like you said, Ultra, Premium, etc, etc.
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I am thinking that Ultra is the best, because I believe it includes all their programs. However I use nothing but the actual burning rom anyway, so I really cant give any opinion on their other stuff.

Cant go wrong with the burning software though, it's second to none.
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