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Hugh Freeze (HC Auburn)

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NCAA questions Mississippi State's Chris Jones on Ole Miss recruitment

Mississippi State expects Jones' eligibility to remain intact as long as it is determined he cooperated with the NCAA. Bylaw 10.1, which outlines what the NCAA considers unethical conduct by prospective or enrolled student-athletes, includes ?refusal to furnish information relevant to an investigation of a possible violation of an NCAA regulation when requested to do so by the NCAA or the individual's institution.?

Jones' mother, Mary Woodhouse, said she did not know about an NCAA interview and she never noticed anything suspicious regarding Ole Miss' recruitment of Jones.

She called the family's visit to Oxford ?very nice. They were nice to us,? and discussed Ole Miss' commitment to academics.

Is this the start? I can't say for sure as this article offers no FAX or DENTS. The comments are fun though.

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Call me a cynic, but I'm not holding my breath for the next SEC!SEC!SEC! team to be put on probation.

Freeze keeps on doing what he's doing.

Bama players flashing thousands of dollars? Nothing to see there.

Johnny [censored]ing Hancock will play the first game and every game after that.

Auburn: literally a complete [Mark May]show of a university being run by Pat Dye and the football boosters.

The SEC is a floating bowl of festering [Mark May], and the NCAA doesn't have the balls to pull the handle.
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ORD_Buckeye;2362316; said:
Call me a cynic, but I'm not holding my breath for the next SEC!SEC!SEC! team to be put on probation.

Freeze keeps on doing what he's doing.

Bama players flashing thousands of dollars? Nothing to see there.

Johnny [censored]ing Hancock will play the first game and every game after that.

Auburn: literally a complete [Mark May]show of a university being run by Pat Dye and the football boosters.

The SEC is a floating bowl of festering [Mark May], and the NCAA doesn't have the balls to pull the handle.

Today on www.reddit.com/r/NFL there was an article about how dirt poor DJ Fluker's family is. In the thread, someone showed a picture of him driving in a nice Cadilac with fancy rims. Made me laugh.

here is the comment. The article is linked above the comment.
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OXFORD, Miss. – The University of Mississippi athletic program is under investigation by the NCAA for potential rules violations in multiple sports.

Amazingly enough...

One source with knowledge of the probe said the bulk of the potential violations relate to women’s basketball. The source said the current football staff of head coach Hugh Freeze is not believed to be implicated in any major violations, and that much of the football inquiry dates back to actions by a previous Ole Miss staff.


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Ex-Clemson QB Chad Kelly arrested
BUFFALO, N.Y. -- Former Clemson quarterback and current Ole Miss recruit Chad Kelly faces numerous charges, including resisting arrest, after an altercation at a downtown Buffalo restaurant, The Buffalo News reported Sunday night.

The newspaper reported Kelly was arrested early Sunday morning after allegedly punching a bouncer for refusing to leave the establishment, which also includes a bar. A Buffalo Police report said the 20-year-old Kelly then allegedly scuffled with officers while being removed from a pickup which police stopped nearby.

Cops: QB Threatened AK-47 Massacre Days After Signing With Ole Miss
Kelly continued to fight with two bouncers and stated "I'm going to go to my car and get my AK-47 and spray this place," according to a report.

Buffalo police officers responding to that alleged threat stopped a 2005 Ford F-150 pickup truck in which Kelly was a passenger at 458 Pearl.

Kelly was forcibly removed from the vehicle, officers said. Police said Kelly kicked and tried to swing at officers as they removed him from the vehicle. They said he resisted getting into a patrol vehicle and struggled with staff at central booking.

If Ole Miss doesn't pan out for "Swag" Kelly, he should transfer to FSU where Ol' Jimbo will straighten him out and get his life back on track. They run a very tight ship down in Tallahassee—allegedly.
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Ex-Clemson QB Chad Kelly arrested

Cops: QB Threatened AK-47 Massacre Days After Signing With Ole Miss

If Ole Miss doesn't pan out for "Swag" Kelly, he should transfer to FSU where Ol' Jimbo will straighten him out and get his life back on track. They run a very tight ship down in Tallahassee—allegedly.

He's going to play in the SEC, this is a tame weekend party. And if he has a 2.6 GPA hes more than welcome with good old Hugh
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