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Hugh Freeze (HC Auburn)

“The university is aware of the reports from the NFL Draft regarding Laremy Tunsil and potential NCAA violations during his time at Ole Miss,” a statement from the school began. “Like we do whenever an allegation is brought to our attention or a potential violation is self-discovered, we will aggressively investigate and fully cooperate with the NCAA and the SEC.”

Aggressively investigate reads aggressively find a fall guy.
I like that they will cooperate with the SEC. :slappy:
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“The university is aware of the reports from the NFL Draft regarding Laremy Tunsil and potential NCAA violations during his time at Ole Miss,” a statement from the school began. “Like we do whenever an allegation is brought to our attention or a potential violation is self-discovered, we will aggressively investigate and fully cooperate with the NCAA and the SEC.”

Aggressively investigate reads aggressively find a fall guy.
Well, 2 fall guys have already been identified via the text messages. I can only assume that OlMiss will target those two guys and deny that anyone else knew.
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So, a second-rate SEC program, with a middling history and far less than middling recent success, located in Podunk Mississippi, suddenly started reeling in 5* kids left and right and top-5 classes. Seems totally legit. I don't buy this money stuff for one millisecond. You all are soooooooo cynical.
Right? Isn't this how everyone felt when they saw the news?

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Mike Slive was great at keeping a lid on the boiling cesspool known as the SEC, but it came oozing (really spurting) out with Tunsil's issues at the draft. Add to that the Bama DL coach having to resign for recruiting violations, and the satellite camp ban getting overturned - not a good week for the southerners. Let's hope its a trend.
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this story is interesting on a couple of fronts. the first being the most obvious of the violations and all the surrounding joy that should come of that. at least until the ncaa finds nothing to report and all go about there way that is...

but the other shoe here.... someone wants to hurt tunsil personally. this wasn't some accidental hack. further, the hacker certainly isn't using it for financial gain. whoever released this info, based on the times the info was released, wants to hurt tunsil directly and financially. there is a personal motive against him as an individual. its going to be very interesting to watch this unfold.
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