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Hugh Freeze (HC Auburn)

Bo Scarbrough missed four games at Bama this year because he was suspended for taking cash on his ole miss visit. Shyheim Carter a DB from Louisiana this past year was offered and accepted cash from Ole Miss but then decided to go to Bama so he told Saban about the money. Saban turned Ole Miss in and made Carter give the cash back. More allegations are coming.

The above are rumors i have heard from multiple people. I have even started to hear a little of it in the media, so it may have some legs.
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Right. He's saying LA Gov is so good at corruption they don't get caught. Tho I figure it's more likely that the police are just dumber down there.
no, they just in on the corruption.
so are the lawyers and judges.

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CHICAGO — An anonymous hacker used the night of the NFL draft to try to take down Laremy Tunsil and the Ole Miss football program.

Moments before the draft began a video of Tunsil smoking out of a bong fashioned out of a gas mask was posted onto his Twitter account. When it had done its damage, moving Tunsil out of the top 10 entirely and to the Miami Dolphins on No. 13, the hacker started on Tunsil’s Instagram account.

There they posted screenshots of alleged text messages between Tunsil and John Miller, assistant athletic director for football operations, in which Tunsil asks for money to pay rent and also for his mother's $305 electric and water bill. In reference to the former, Miller makes a reference to "Barney." Barner Farrar is Ole Miss' assistant athletic director for high school and junior colleges.

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I wonder in what underground bunker Freeze is hiding today.

I wonder if they take the deny at all costs approach, or the "we are looking into these serious allegations" approach, and then fire a graduate assistant in a couple of weeks.
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I wonder in what underground bunker Freeze is hiding today.

I wonder if they take the deny at all costs approach, or the "we are looking into these serious allegations" approach, and then fire a graduate assistant in a couple of weeks.

“The university is aware of the reports from the NFL Draft regarding Laremy Tunsil and potential NCAA violations during his time at Ole Miss,” a statement from the school began. “Like we do whenever an allegation is brought to our attention or a potential violation is self-discovered, we will aggressively investigate and fully cooperate with the NCAA and the SEC.”

Aggressively investigate reads aggressively find a fall guy.
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