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In central Cali, it was 72 when got up at 6:30 to ride bicycle, and it hits 104 during the day. The grass is sizzling. Plus, with no snowpack for water, farmers are hurting. On 'reduced' water rationing (every other day lawn watering). Hey Dub, does SoCal still going full speed on the car washes?
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Anyone else been watching the dual tornadoes in NE Nebraska?

Been watching for the last hour.
Someone needs to explain to me why anyone lives in Nebraska who can find work anywhere else.

In fact, I'd say the same thing about the Plains states more generally. Miserable heat, humidity and deadly tornadoes in summer; bitter cold and windy snowdrifts in winter. The worst weather in all North America, taken in entirety.
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Nasty winds last night brought down a huge limb off of one of my trees onto my fence in the back yard. Fence appears to be okay, but it is going to be a pain to clean up. Weird summer for weather so far, a little chilly after that cold ass winter.
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