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for any of you guys who live in alabama or close by to Talledega, they are going to have a thing where you can donate $50 to help and you get to drive your car on the racetrack, pretty freakin cool, i'd do it if i lived close enough


I didn't know if this warranted it's own thread because of amount of people that live near it on this board, so i just posted it here
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Gatorubet;1913290; said:
Had this happened before the Weather Channel and local weather having Doppler radar and sophisticated warning systems it would have been even worse. Small favors, I know, but..

Yep I grew up in NE Alabama (Gadsden). We use to have the B'Ham weathermen come by once a year before spring to talk about tornado safety and what to do.

My folks still live there. thankfully they made it through unharmed. I just pray for the less fortunate ones.
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Gatorubet;1913290; said:
Had this happened before the Weather Channel and local weather having Doppler radar and sophisticated warning systems it would have been even worse. Small favors, I know, but..

Well We knew it was coming but if your in the path it doesn't matter. Plus some of the damage was done before alot of people were even awake. The confirmed deaths are at 168 but I have heard numbers over 200 that are unconfirmed. They have found multiple families alive!!! Great news but there has been alot of bad news as well.
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The Tiny Probe That Stands Up to 200MPH Tornadoes

These probes are officially called Hardened In-situ Tornado Pressure Recorders [HITPR]), and the name fits. They're only six inches tall, but their conical design keeps them from flying away—in fact, super-fast winds end up drive the probes further into the ground. (The aforementioned tornado, which tossed telephone poles upwards of 300 yards? Didn't move the probes an inch.) They have a number of sensors to measure humidity, temperature, wind speed, direction, and pressure; and because of Tim's death-defying research, he and his team got a first-ever glimpse inside a tornado and discovered that the barometric pressure dropped 100 millibars at the tornado's center. (Alternatively, think of it "like stepping into an elevator and hurtling up 1,000 feet in ten seconds.")
Interesting suggestion. Probably not economically feasible, but I'd be curious to see it tested in Tornado alley.
comments said:
Why don't we build homes with conical designs in tornado prone areas?

I guess it takes an uncommon mind to come up w/ genius ideas like this. This one's on me people!
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There are 194 confirmed in Alabama and the number will go way up in the next 48 hours. There are bodies at the coroners office that have to be identified before they are added to the count. The Governor all but admitted it will get much worse.
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Power company now saying 5-7 days, could be longer in residential areas. Places around us running out of gas, heard about stations raising prices while people were in line. Stores that are open only letting in a few people at a time. County has dawn to dusk curfew.
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