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How would you gameplan against OSU

Taosman;1020175; said:
LSU...don't let the game go into over time! :tongue2:
Wonder what they would be thinking if it went into OT?


Nutriaitch;1020193; said:
Either "Oh Shit!":(
"3rd times a charm":biggrin:


ray6072;1020222; said:
Overtime is fine, it is the third overtime that would make 'em nervous. If we were to make it to the fourth ot period, would we then breath a sigh of relief? :biggrin:

the third one would make me nervous

Tigerkid05;1020276; said:
"I'll have another crown and coke please." That would be me.

But it depends on the situation. It we gave up the lead like we did in the UK game. "What the hell! You've got to be fucking kidding me?!"

Or we score late to send it to over time. "YES! DID YOU SEE THAT. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?" :biggrin:

I wouldn't be able to drink another crown and coke, I would be throwing up all over the place, or having a heart attack or something.
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I think we are going to have to come out very aggressive on both sides of the ball. I expect Ohio State to be sky high for this game and put forth their best effort of the season. We should blitz relentlessly and pull out a trick play or two on offense, maybe even on the first play. We have GOT to make Ohio State play on their heels and use the emotion that they will be playing with against them. If we come out tentative at all it could be 14-0 Ohio State before we know what hits us. Once we weather the initial storm, then we can settle down and play our game, pound it out with Hester, let Dorsey and the rest of the Dline do their jobs, and prevent Ohio State from controlling the tempo of the game. Then spread them out and get the ball to our athletes.
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I for one think the emotions will be stale maited... With LSU's homefield advantage vs Ohio States no respect it should be a fun first 5 minutes. I think there won't be a storm for either team. By the way though Trick plays are stupid against OSU. The last time something like that worked against us was like before I was born or something.. Our defense is usually very good at keeping assignments and our speed usually prevents teams from having time to run things that take time to develope. If by trick play you mean "option right, and then option left" then yes you shoudl run trick plays.

If you want to beat Ohio state you beat them at THEIR GAME. Imo..

Run the Ball, time of possession, field position, no turnovers, and smart coaching is what I think is best against OSU.... for sure who the hell am I to say?haha
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