Defense won't be as dominating, simply because the interior DL positions won't get the penetration (hopefully the new guys will), and if they do, the lack of having adequate backups (through no DL recruiting studs) will tire them out, unlike the solid rotation OSU could throw at teams last year.
LB is fine, lose nobody that cannot be easily replaced. DB will miss the two seniors, that seemed to be the 'glue' that held it all together. Malcomb is a future NFLer, but the two seniors 'made' that backfield in my opinion.
Offense will be more iffy. Course it's bloody difficult to replace a Heisman trophy winner AND a very seasoned QB (Zwick) at once. Boeckman and Schoenhoft will alternate, and (for me anyway) Henton is a wild card. If those two cannot hit the WRs, then Henton will go in as an option type. I'd pencil in Schoenhoft as starter (just a hunch).
OL is the big question. Without these horses, then it doesn't make any difference who's at QB. There is a plethora of solid juniors, but no one has made the 'push' to be a starter. Should be plenty of experience, so maybe by committee. Add a healthy Cordle and a RS Smith, and the OL should be solid. Maybe push Boone some more, as he now knows what he'll face in the NFL.
RB - ahhhhh, it looks good with Beanie, and his success depends on the above two (OL and QB). If he's facing 9 in the box, Superman couldn't gain yards consistently. The FB position looks fine for the run, but not sure about Johnson's ability to catch the flare.
All in all, we'll be better than average for teh Big 10. Figure we'll lose to Penn St, probably Meeeee-she-gun, and maybe Purdue. Else we'll be in the hunt for a BCS Bowl again. I also believe we can go 10-1 with some good bounces. Tress and Co are back intact (so far as of Jan), and they'll adapt their plans to the personnel on board.
:gobucks3: :gobucks4:

Rip 'em up, tear 'em up, give 'em hell, OHIO!