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How will our Buckeyes fare in 2007?

How will our Buckeyes fare in 2007?

  • 13-0, National Champs baby!

    Votes: 20 9.9%
  • 12-1

    Votes: 35 17.3%
  • 11-2

    Votes: 81 40.1%
  • 10-3

    Votes: 61 30.2%
  • 4 losses or more

    Votes: 5 2.5%

  • Total voters
(W) Youngstown State (Columbus, Ohio)
(W) Akron (Columbus, Ohio)
(*) Washington (Seattle, Wash.)
(W) Northwestern (Columbus, Ohio)
(*) Minnesota (Minneapolis, Minn.)
(*) Purdue (West Lafayette, Ind.)
(W) Kent State (Columbus, Ohio)
(*) Michigan State (Columbus, Ohio)
(*) Penn State (University Park, Penn.)
(*) Wisconsin (Columbus, Ohio)
(*) Illinois (Columbus, Ohio)
(*) Michigan (Ann Arbor, Mich.)

Easy wins: YSU, Akron, Kent State
Games that we have all the right in the world to win: NW, Minny, MSU
Games that we have to perform well to win: Washington, Illinois, Purdue
Games that come down to who want it more on gameday: PSU, Wisky, SCum

I've penciled in four wins, no more, no less. I would be ecstatic with a 10-2 record going into the bowl game. However, because of the transition at QB and unknowns at a couple of key positions, I think we are looking at a 9-3 record. This team is loaded, but not as loaded as we've been in previous seasons and does not yet possess the same experience.

Despite potential key losses, I see 2008 as the year when we start to make another 2 year stint title run. The explanation is simple: you need tons of experience at QB to make a run at the national title.
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Tresselbeliever;766665; said:
The explanation is simple: you need tons of experience at QB to make a run at the national title.

I agree with this statement as a generic rule-of-thumb. Tons of experience at quarterback is huge for a team. But it can't be a set-in-stone rule. Otherwise, how do you explain 2002? The Buckeyes had a first-year starter at quarterback. I don't consider playing basically 1 full game (Michigan) and half of two other games (Illinois and South Carolina) in 2001 doesn't count as "tons of experience." (Basically, an experienced quarterback is extremely nice, but not vital to winning a national championship.)
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I chose 12-1 and here's why: I don't think we'll have trouble in our first few games but I think our only loss will come to......Purdue, yes, Purdue. I feel that we will have a hard time in that game and just come up short. I am not worried about PSU or Wisconsin (don't know why). IMO, I don't think we're going to lose to UM.
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RhodeIslandBuck;810172; said:
I chose 12-1 and here's why: I don't think we'll have trouble in our first few games but I think our only loss will come to......Purdue, yes, Purdue. I feel that we will have a hard time in that game and just come up short. I am not worried about PSU or Wisconsin (don't know why). IMO, I don't think we're going to lose to UM.

How dare YOU!!!

That deserves a :oh:
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