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How will our Buckeyes fare in 2007?

How will our Buckeyes fare in 2007?

  • 13-0, National Champs baby!

    Votes: 20 9.9%
  • 12-1

    Votes: 35 17.3%
  • 11-2

    Votes: 81 40.1%
  • 10-3

    Votes: 61 30.2%
  • 4 losses or more

    Votes: 5 2.5%

  • Total voters


Total Coverage.
  • The long offseason is here. We all know the talent we have coming back on both sides of the ball, but many may say we lost our "identity" on offense with Troy taking his talents to Sunday football. What are your expectations for next season? Personally, I don't see a 2004 type dropoff. Yes, we will be breaking in a new QB, but as opposed to 2004, we'll have a solid OL and a stud RB to help him transition in to the starting role. I think we hit a couple of potholes, but finish 11-2 with a bowl win and another thrilling victory over the weasels in Ann Arbor. The two losses IMO will be in State College and unfortunately, again against Wiscy. Very early, but what's your prognostication for 2007?
    I have a rough and ready Big 10 preview that I have been refining.
    It would have the top 3 in the Big 10 falling anywhere between Wisconsin, TSUN and Ohio State.
    My first go around I placed Ohio State as 2nd in the conference, with only one loss, to Wiscy.
    Upvote 0
    sandgk;723204; said:
    I have a rough and ready Big 10 preview that I have been refining.
    It would have the top 3 in the Big 10 falling anywhere between Wisconsin, TSUN and Ohio State.
    My first go around I placed Ohio State as 2nd in the conference, with only one loss, to Wiscy.
    That seems pretty reasonable, though I really think we're gonna have a tough time in Happy Valley. M*ch*g*n just doesn't scare me next year. I think Henne and Hart have reached their ceiling, and I think their D (particularly the secondary) is gonna be a liability next season. I see them losing to us and Wiscy in the Big-10, possibly Penn State too. Wiscy's chances, much like us, are gonna hinge on how their new QB performs.

    Next year looks like it could be an exciting year in the Big-10. All of this is obviously speculation at this point. A real picture doesn't begin to take shape until after the spring game(s), but it's always fun to look ahead. With our returning talent on D, Beanie, young WR's and OL (not to mention a motivated JT and staff) I really think we'll be pretty damn good by the time the "meat" of the schedule rolls around. I think Boeckman is gonna win the job and be a helluva QB next year.
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    The 2002 in me wants to be the super-homer and say NC...the realist in me, says 11-2.

    I don't know about PSU. Wisky will be a nasty one. scUM...IF, IF we have a legitimate passing attack...I'm not worried about. They lost too much star power on D. I agree with NF in that Henne & Hart have reached the pinnacle of their game. We'll see what happens. I personally hope we DESTROY Hart and just beat Henne up a lot. :biggrin:
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    I voted 11-2 also. I always go into a season with the belief that with its quality of players the Bucks should win them all. And, I will be in that frame of mind in August. However, early reality tells me that we lost a great amount of talent this year with the departure of not only seniors but key juniors. While I believe that backup talent is strong, I don't see people stepping in to the Smith, Ginn, Gonzo, Datish, Pitcock etc. roles to the same level.

    I think that was most evidenced by the disintegration of the offense when Ginn got hurt. Setting aside whether the plan and play calling were adequate, I believe the dependency on Ted to be a distraction to the D largely disappeared. Not to mention Troy having an uncharacteristically bad game. (Understatement font).

    Guys always step forward following spring practice and I hope and expect that this year. But, an undefeated season back to back will be a challenge, I think, especially with scUM strong and the reappearance of Wisky on the screen. Also, I suspect PSU has their act together now.

    Time will tell. Go Bucks!
    Upvote 0
    Taosman;723287; said:
    Big Ten gets even worse next year.
    Wisconsin wins Big Ten.
    We finish 3 or 4 with 3-4 loses.
    Alamo Bowl.

    Commie bastard.:biggrin:

    Just outta curiosity, with a relatively weak schedule, who do you see these 3-4 losses to?

    Day Date Opponent Location Time
    Sat 09/01/2007 Youngstown State Columbus, Ohio
    Sat 09/08/2007 Akron Columbus, Ohio TBA
    Sat 09/15/2007 Washington Seattle, Wash. TBA
    Sat 09/22/2007 Northwestern Columbus, Ohio TBA
    Sat 09/29/2007 Minnesota Minneapolis, Minn. TBA
    Sat 10/06/2007 Purdue West Lafayette, Ind. TBA
    Sat 10/13/2007 Kent State Columbus, Ohio TBA
    Sat 10/20/2007 Michigan State Columbus, Ohio TBA
    Sat 10/27/2007 Penn State State College, Penn. TBA
    Sat 11/03/2007 Wisconsin Columbus, Ohio TBA
    Sat 11/10/2007 Illinois Columbus, Ohio TBA
    Sat 11/17/2007 Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich. TBA

    I see a pretty damn good shot at an 8-0 start there, by then the O should start clicking when we get to the "meat".
    Upvote 0
    Commie bastard.:biggrin:

    Just outta curiosity, with a relatively weak schedule, who do you see these 3-4 losses to?

    Day Date Opponent Location Time
    Sat 09/01/2007 Youngstown State Columbus, Ohio
    Sat 09/08/2007 Akron Columbus, Ohio TBA
    Sat 09/15/2007 Washington Seattle, Wash. TBA
    Sat 09/22/2007 Northwestern Columbus, Ohio TBA
    Sat 09/29/2007 Minnesota Minneapolis, Minn. TBA
    Sat 10/06/2007 Purdue West Lafayette, Ind. TBA
    Sat 10/13/2007 Kent State Columbus, Ohio TBA
    Sat 10/20/2007 Michigan State Columbus, Ohio TBA
    Sat 10/27/2007 Penn State State College, Penn. TBA
    Sat 11/03/2007 Wisconsin Columbus, Ohio TBA
    Sat 11/10/2007 Illinois Columbus, Ohio TBA
    Sat 11/17/2007 Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich. TBA

    I see a pretty damn good shot at an 8-0 start there, by then the O should start clicking when we get to the "meat".
    I hate to say this but Taos may be right....The tough games are going to be Wasington, PSU, Wiscy and scUM. And maybe Minny since its being played up there....but what the hell do I know...
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    PrincetonBuckeye;723300; said:
    I hate to say this but Taos may be right....The tough games are going to be Wasington, PSU, Wiscy and scUM. And maybe Minny since its being played up there....but what the hell do I know...

    Eh, this is all very subjective. I'm not worried about Washington. They were below mediocre, and lost their best player on offense (QB-Stanback) and top reciever, and will have an average D at best.

    Minny is a mess that will also be breaking in a new QB. That and well, they're Minnesota.

    Though it isn't out of the realm of possibility that an upset could happen beforehand (Purdue is the most dangerous), our first real "challenge" appears to be PSU who does worry me for some reason. I just never like going to Happy Valley.

    Wiscy always plays us tough, but they also have to replace a QB. Their defense and recent history against us just scares me though. The Illini will be better next year, but I take comfort that we have them late in the season at home.

    Lastly, I expect a return to form for m*ch*g*n. They will have a good offense as always, but lost all of their horses on defense, and their secondary looks like it may be just plum bad. I really think by that time Boeckman will have developed into a very solid efficient QB who will use our young stable of WR's to pick them apart along with a healthy dose of Beanie.

    The Bowl game is just way too much to speculate about I guess, but I'll take JT with motivation for redemption to get me to 11-2.
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    It would suprise me more if we lost 4 games than it if we won them all. I think that PSU, Wiscy, and scUM will be tough games, but none of them will be unwinable. I am not convinced that UW is going to be an adequate test.

    I suspect that after the NC meltdown you will see a different attitude from the players, and probably to a greater degree, the coaching staff than we have ever seen. I see this team as hungry, with something to prove. Certainly, with the talent and experience that we lose, the transition for the players who win their respective positions will not be seamless, but I would expect that, as we see every year, there will be a few who step up and by the time the real challenges are met, the staff will have put a very, very good product on the field.

    Probability would dictate that we do not win them all, but is it out of the realm of possibility? Absolutely not.
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