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How to impersonate your hated rival's RB

Choices: Alabama, LSU, Michigan, Ohio State, Michigan State, Oregon, or Auburn

(school) appeared content to wait for Wilson?s decision, but an appearance by Madisonville (Ky.) North Hopkins safety Jeremy Clark at the school's summer camp last week gave the (school) a very competent fall back in case Wilson decided to take his talents elsewhere.
The 6-4, 205-pound Clark saw recruiting interest spike dramatically when he started attending college camps earlier this month. (school) was so impressed with Clark?s performance in (city) last Tuesday that they offered to have him come in on a scholarship in January of 2013. The offer would be valid for the start of the 2012-13 school year if Wilson picked one of his other finalists.
Although Clark had already received scholarship offers from (some) programs, he jumped at the grayshirt opportunity at (school) within a day of receiving it. Asked if future offers from other schools to come in with the 2012 class could change his mind, Clark responded: "This is 100% for me.?
(school) now looks at a situation where it could take Wilson in 2012 and have its free safety spot in the 2013 class already addressed with Clark?s commitment. If Wilson picks (school a or school b), then Clark will assume the class of 2012 free safety scholarship and the (school) can recruit the position in 2013 again if it chooses.
What is grayshirting?
In Division I college football this practice is known as "grayshirting" and, unfortunately, there are universities that sanction this activity. The universities, with full knowledge of what they are doing, extend more athletic scholarships than they have. These schools play roulette with the lives of talented young people. If they run out of scholarships, too bad. The letter-of-intent signed by the university the previous February is voided. Technically, it's legal to do this. Morally, it is reprehensible.
Associated with "grayshirting" -- and equally disgusting -- is the nefarious practice of prematurely ending student-athletes' scholarships. Some are just not renewed even though the student-athlete is doing what is asked of him.
Here is a hint to what school this is:
Last May, (school) admitted to four major violations in the football program and disputed a fifth alleged by the NCAA's enforcement staff. (school) argued its case Aug. 14 in Seattle before the Committee on Infractions. The committee, in a ruling, it found (school) guilty of a fifth -- but amended -- violation

Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/20...ernard.machen.letter/index.html#ixzz1QZWZ5Lhi

Coqui;1945894; said:
Not sure why this is a thread?

Oversigning has been discussed ad naseum and the player flat out jumped at the chance to be greyshirted.

Yep - moved it in here.

When a kid is told up front that he might have to wait, that's completely different than springing it on him after the LOI is signed.

One of those situations needs another term so they can be differentiated.
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Coqui;1945894; said:
Not sure why this is a thread?

Oversigning has been discussed ad naseum and the player flat out jumped at the chance to be greyshirted.

Wasn't Todd Boeckman a grayshirt? Seemed to me he loved every minute at Ohio St.

Also very sure Ohio St. offered Steve Gardiner a grayshirt as well.

Personally, as long as the coach is honest about everything coming with a grayshirt that is fair. The recruit knows the deal and makes his decision.

Where I have a problem is when the coaches don't mention everything or lie to a recruit about a grayshirt. That's a big problem.

Do I get a cookie since I guessed the program right before even reading this thread?:biggrin:
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Coqui;1945894; said:
Not sure why this is a thread?

Oversigning has been discussed ad naseum and the player flat out jumped at the chance to be greyshirted.

My point is that Michigan fans think that their school is "above" the practices of SEC schools, when they themselves are doing the same thing as them. Them grayshirting a player is hypocrital because they in the past have always "looked down" at these "SEC schools" practices.
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jwinslow;1945928; said:
No it isn't, and bb73 already explained the distinction.

The news and Michigan called it grayshirting, I am just the messenger. You are missing the whole point. Here in the State of Michigan, scUM fans are laughing at OSU and claiming multiple victories in recruiting over OSU. It is time that OSU fans fight back and defend themselves against U of M fans. You guys have won multiple Big Ten championships, not them.
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CaptainPlanet;1945932; said:
The news and Michigan called it grayshirting, I am just the messenger. You are missing the whole point. Here in the State of Michigan, scUM fans are laughing at OSU and claiming multiple victories in recruiting over OSU. It is time that OSU fans fight back and defend themselves against U of M fans. You guys have won multiple Big Ten championships, not them.

They can laugh all they want. The sun has to shine on a dog's ass eventually, so let them giggle with glee at a whole bunch of nothingness if that is what helps them get through their days. Deep down they know that their program has been shit for quite awhile.

And one other thing, most of us here do not give a flying monkey-fuck what those idiot fans think anyway, so it is a non-factor.
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CaptainPlanet;1945932; said:
The news and Michigan called it grayshirting, I am just the messenger. You are missing the whole point. Here in the State of Michigan, scUM fans are laughing at OSU and claiming multiple victories in recruiting over OSU. It is time that OSU fans fight back and defend themselves against U of M fans. You guys have won multiple Big Ten championships, not them.

I'm content with kicking the living shit out of them on the football field on November 26th.

Let them run their mouths off the field, it is all they have left.
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Spartan;1780732; said:
Odds are Roger plays S/CB at MSU. I really hope he sticks at CB.

2011 Michigan State Preferred Walk-ons

Matt Craven

Pos: QBPos Rank: #115Pos Rating:

1. Tommy Vento (QB) Farmington Hills, MI 2011 preferred walk on
News Article: http://www.freep.com/article/20110627/SPORTS07/106270348/Harrison-QB-Vento-has-MSU-his-view?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Sports

2. Takudzwa Kubvoruno (WR) of Gull Lake, MI 2011 preferred walk-on
News Article: http://newsok.rivals.com/content.asp?cid=1187467
Profile: http://newsok.rivals.com/viewprospect.asp?pr_key=96784&sport=1

3. Erick Yang (Kicker) Snellville, GA 2011 preferred walk-on
Media: http://fwix.com/atlanta/share/cefb6a3ed1/brookwoods_erick_yang_is_an_overnight_sensation_in_football
Website: http://www.prokicker.com/footballrecruiting/11/links
Profile: http://recruiting.scout.com/a.z?s=73&p=8&c=1&nid=5617739

4. Kyle Lints (OL) Traverse City, MI, 2011 preferred walk-on ~ (3-Star)
News Article: http://newsok.rivals.com/content.asp?cid=1231875
Profile: http://newsok.rivals.com/viewprospect.asp?Sport=1&pr_key=108248

5. Trevon Pentleton (FB) West Portsmouth, OH, 2011 preferred walk-on ~(3-Star)
News Article: http://newsok.rivals.com/content.asp?cid=1231875
Profile: http://newsok.rivals.com/viewprospect.asp?Sport=1&pr_key=101211

6. Chris Laneaux (CB) Portage, MI 2011 preferred walk-on ~ (2-Star/Scout)

Profile: http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/recruiting/player-Chris-Laneaux-95967

8. Matthew Giampapa (LS) Jackson, TN preferred walk-on
News Article: http://michiganstate.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1215197
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HailToMichigan;1946432; said:
This thread is 59 pages long. Just sayin'. And we don't think MSU is obsessed with is, we know they are.

Anyway, it's a rivalry. Shouldn't there be some degree of obsession?

True MSU fans consider Wisconsin (Wissy) their true rivals. The only fan base obsessed with scUM is the scUM fan base itself. The only reason you believe the above statement is because of WalMart Wolverine fans calling in to 97.1 FM (Detroit) and arguing with Mike Valenti.

Proof from MSU's largest message board:

Good argument: http://michiganstate.247sports.com/Board/93/F-Wisconsin-752440/1

Rivalry: http://noise.typepad.com/hey_joe/2008/02/wisconsin-msus.html

1. http://michiganstate.247sports.com/Board/93/Blatant-Wisconsin-Flop-764988/2

2. http://michiganstate.247sports.com/Board/93/Ive-just-been-banned-from-the-Wisconsin-site-1856212/1

3. https://www.msu.edu/~huizing7/WisconsinBannersSmall.gif

4. http://michiganstate.247sports.com/Board/93/Its-like-being-a-Wisconsin-fan-for-a-day-1479482/1

5. http://wisconsin.247sports.com/Board/23/Flopping-Stubbing-Toes-Final-FourTHREAD-1856842/1

6. http://michiganstate.247sports.com/Board/93/Bo-Ryan-injured-after-last-nights-game-766666/1

7. http://michiganstate.247sports.com/Board/93/Bo-Ryan-is-Dracula-1662751/1

8. http://www.mlive.com/spartans/stories/index.ssf?/base/sports-0/1235279102225820.xml&coll=6

Famous quote: "Unfortunately, we stubbed our toe against Michigan State ? a close ballgame that we weren't able to close out."
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CaptainPlanet;1946633; said:
True MSU fans consider Wisconsin (Wissy) their true rivals.
no they don't, and claiming that is as weak as trying to use an upfront grayshirt offer as a smoking gun.

My dad is a die-hard Spartan alum, I grew up in MSU territory. Your claim is the opposite of what I experienced during my stay up north.
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jwinslow;1946640; said:
no they don't, and claiming that is as weak as trying to use an upfront grayshirt offer as a smoking gun.

My dad is a die-hard Spartan alum, I grew up in MSU territory. Your claim is the opposite of what I experienced during my stay up north.

Michigan "USED" to be MSU's largest rivalry but U of M has not been relevant in football for years now and they suck in basketball. Michigan State fans who actually graduated from the university ignore the WalMart Wolverines for the trolls that they are. Just read the articles and Message board listings that I posted and you will know why.
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