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How to impersonate your hated rival's RB

Captain, you're either very bad at making arguments, or you're intentionally trotting this nonsense out there. At this point, I'm leaning towards the latter.
Michigan "USED" to be MSU's largest rivalry but U of M has not been relevant in football for years now
and yet they were the biggest game on MSU's schedule for three straight years.
and they suck in basketball.
And yet they swept them in basketball. Whoops.
Michigan State fans who actually graduated from the university ignore the WalMart Wolverines for the trolls that they are. Just read the articles and Message board listings that I posted and you will know why.
Most message boards & article comments bring out the lowest common denominator in a fanbase. I'll stick to the many spartan alums I've known for decades.
Good argument:
What a terrific argument. Using basketball rivalries in a thread about football.

Michigan isn't close to being OSU's top rival in BB. That's not remotely relevant to our hatred of them in this sub-forum & thread though.
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jwinslow;1946640; said:
no they don't, and claiming that is as weak as trying to use an upfront grayshirt offer as a smoking gun.

My dad is a die-hard Spartan alum, I grew up in MSU territory. Your claim is the opposite of what I experienced during my stay up north.

Tom Izzo still hasn't gotten over Alando Tucker's dunk that finished off Wisconsin's 64-53 win over Michigan State at the Kohl Center in 2003.

Izzo told reporters in Michigan this week that it bothers him that Wisconsin has a winning record against his team since Bo Ryan took over the program. Michigan State plays Wisconsin in a Big Ten Conference game Sunday afternoon at the Breslin Center.

"It really started with the dunk in the last 10 seconds of a game -- when you see every other Big Ten team holds it up and that didn't happen, that ticked me off," said Izzo, whose team is 3-11 against Wisconsin since Ryan took over. "I said something about it, so that made every Wisconsin fan mad at me and every Michigan State fan mad at him. I brought it up and he acted like it was no big deal. Well, you know what? I didn't like that and I may not for the rest of my life.

"I don't want you to make a big deal about it, but he never ever said a word about it,'' Izzo continued. "Even when people said, 'Did he call and apologize? Did he do this and that?' No. Well ... we didn't do that when we beat them nine times in a row or 11 times in a row. And you know what? He beat us in the one Big Ten championship year, and that hurts, but we got Wisconsin in the Final Four and that was for a national championship."

Izzo said Wisconsin's dominance over the Spartans under Ryan is a motivating factor. "It bothers me, but I don't play the game," Izzo said. "Do I sit there and say it doesn't bother me? No, of course it bothers me. But all it makes me do is work to do what I can do better and try to prepare them better, and eventually the players play the game.''

"I don't like Wisconsin," said senior forward Goran Suton. "That's no secret. I don't think they like us, either. They're dirty, they push, they hold. Actually, I like Michigan more than I like them. That's pretty bad."
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Tom Izzo still hasn't gotten over Alando Tucker's dunk that finished off Wisconsin's 64-53 win over Michigan State at the Kohl Center in 2003.
OSU fans have loathed Indiana basketball for a long time. Not only are they not hated in football, I'd argue they are viewed fondly for adding an extra home game every 2 years.

Your obsession with basketball has no relevance to the Dantonio-era defining wins over Rodriguez.

They are two very different topics and rivalries.
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jwinslow;1946656; said:
Your obsession with basketball has no relevance to the Dantonio-era defining wins over Rodriguez.

They are two very different topics and rivalries.

great point.

MSU's biggest rival in football will always be Michigan, because that is the obstacle that will always be in their way.

Michigan wasn't any good for the last 3 years, and it was still the biggest game on MSU's schedule every year.

Michigan might not have been good for the last 3 years, MSU hadn't been any good or beaten Michigan with any kind of consistency for the last 40.
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CaptainPlanet;1946659; said:
"What a terrific argument. Using basketball rivalries in a thread about football."

My response to your MSU and Wissy are not football rivals

You're really on a roll:
"I have several State alumni and State fans that work for me," said Tom Carroll, vice president of the Michigan Region for CBS Outdoor. "The billboard is our response to Michigan State getting snubbed."
The following e-mail was sent to potential sponsors: "MSU fans are wondering how their football team can 'convincingly' trounce Wisconsin 34-24 during the regular season, tie with Wisconsin for the Big Ten Championship, and still not receive the prestigious invitation to the annual Rose Bowl.
What absurdity will you be trotting out next? That OSU & MSU are fierce rivals because of this?

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Stay out of the conversation.

Michigan State: Hey, the Spartans did beat Wisconsin

Michigan State beat Wisconsin, which beat Ohio State, which didn't play Michigan State.

Michigan State's Sparty Gregory Shamus

"If we were playing tic-tac-toe, we'd be going (to the Rose Bowl)," Michigan State coach Mark Dantonio said with a grin.

"Why not us?" Dantonio asked. "There are three co-champions. I'm not trying to diss any of the other programs. I'm just looking for a little respect. Let's just talk about it as opposed to saying it's a done deal.
"That's the only thing I want to do, raise awareness. I'm just trying to do the best I can for our football team. I think that's warranted in this situation."
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CaptainPlanet;1946633; said:
True MSU fans consider Wisconsin (Wissy) their true rivals.

Please keep in mind that the vast majority of people who post on this site are not fucking morons...which is exactly what someone would have to be in order to believe the horseshit you just posted.
Which grade are you repeating in the fall?
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"Why not us?" Dantonio asked. "There are three co-champions. I'm not trying to diss any of the other programs. I'm just looking for a little respect. Let's just talk about it as opposed to saying it's a done deal.
:lol: Yeah that screams bitter rival to me. Contrast that with the anger and shots directed at Mr. Hart.
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jwinslow;1946663; said:
You're really on a roll:

What absurdity will you be trotting out next? That OSU & MSU are fierce rivals because of this?

1. Last second field goal win for MSU: 2008

2. We beat them and they went to the Rose Bowl over us: 2010

3. We lost at Wisconsin by single digits: 2009

4. We lost by a field goal at Wisconsin: 2007

5. We beat them 49-14 giving them their ONLY LOSS of the season:
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CaptainPlanet;1946675; said:
You're really on a roll:

What absurdity will you be trotting out next? That OSU & MSU are fierce rivals because of this?

1. Last second field goal win for MSU: 2008

2. We beat them and they went to the Rose Bowl over us: 2010

3. We lost at Wisconsin by single digits: 2009

4. We lost by a field goal at Wisconsin: 2007

5. We beat them 49-14 giving them their ONLY LOSS of the season:

It's not that hard...you hit the quote button, then you type outside the quotes. Tell your summer school teacher you need help using vbulletin.
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So after three wins over UM, you decided to head to BuckeyePlanet and channel your inner Mike Hart with this absurd Little Brother characterization of your rivalries.
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CaptainPlanet;1946675; said:
1. Last second field goal win for MSU: 2008

2. We beat them and they went to the Rose Bowl over us: 2010

3. We lost at Wisconsin by single digits: 2009

4. We lost by a field goal at Wisconsin: 2007

5. We beat them 49-14 giving them their ONLY LOSS of the season:

that's a lot of "we's." It all makes sense now. msu fan has now started trolling all school message boards in an effort to become relevant to someone. :lol:
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