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How to impersonate your hated rival's RB

CaptainPlanet;1946653; said:
"I don't like Wisconsin," said senior forward Goran Suton. "That's no secret. I don't think they like us, either. They're dirty, they push, they hold. Actually, I like Michigan more than I like them. That's pretty bad."

This is actually supporting the idea that scUM is MSU's main rival, since he's rhetorically referencing his dislike for scUM as a comparison for how he felt about Wisconsin at that time.
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CaptainPlanet;1946675; said:
1. Last second field goal win for MSU: 2008

2. We beat them and they went to the Rose Bowl over us: 2010

3. We lost at Wisconsin by single digits: 2009

4. We lost by a field goal at Wisconsin: 2007

5. We beat them 49-14 giving them their ONLY LOSS of the season:
Usually when you quote someone, you respond to their post. Are OSU & MSU rabid rivals? Because according to you, billboards prove rivalries and the Liar billboard was far more hateful than the rose bowl one.

BTW, thanks for the history lesson. Most people here follow the big ten, and many of us watched most or all of these contests.

The difference is we don't subscribe to this juvenile "we own UM so bad it's not a rivalry anymore" after three wins over their worst squads in history.

We remember what happened in the 40 contests before those three.
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Nothing screams fall in the midwest like Wiscy vs Sparty....I mean I remember as a child those epic battles of stiff white guys in knee braces smashing into each other as if to say....."I hate you because your from Wisconsin or East Lansing" The cold crisp air smelled Dave Mcclane's aqua velva....those battles were epic
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