You kids stay off my lawn!
I just retired from teaching and am taking some of my prize money to do an upgrade on the family entertainment center. I've noticed from the posts that there are several of you who are far more conversant with what's available in A/V land than I am, so here are some questions I have and I'm hoping you can help me:
1. We watch VERY little TV aside from Buckeye games, the news, West Wing and PBS. We watch a ton of movies on dvd and vhs.
2. Right now I record many games on vhs for reviewing. I want to be able to burn them on to dvds and save future games to dvds (hopefully in HDTV). Is this doable?
3. The entertainment room has some limitations. It's 12.5 feet wide by 18. The way the furniture is set up, the room is shrunk to 12 by 12. There are two sliding doors on the north side and a fireplace on the east. I mnention this because I'm trying to decide between plasma and projector. Even with an excellent projector I'm not convinced we could get the room dark enough (we'd put vertical blinds over the doors). Also the screen would best fit if placed above the fireplace. That means I couldn't lower it less than 44 inches from the floor. I can put a plasma on the north wall at normal eye level. The costs - plasma vs projector - seem to be about the same.
4. What about dish versus Time Warner? Keep in mind that local PBS is VERY important. We get three channels from TW right now and I'd hate to loose that.
Thanks for your help in advance,
1. We watch VERY little TV aside from Buckeye games, the news, West Wing and PBS. We watch a ton of movies on dvd and vhs.
2. Right now I record many games on vhs for reviewing. I want to be able to burn them on to dvds and save future games to dvds (hopefully in HDTV). Is this doable?
3. The entertainment room has some limitations. It's 12.5 feet wide by 18. The way the furniture is set up, the room is shrunk to 12 by 12. There are two sliding doors on the north side and a fireplace on the east. I mnention this because I'm trying to decide between plasma and projector. Even with an excellent projector I'm not convinced we could get the room dark enough (we'd put vertical blinds over the doors). Also the screen would best fit if placed above the fireplace. That means I couldn't lower it less than 44 inches from the floor. I can put a plasma on the north wall at normal eye level. The costs - plasma vs projector - seem to be about the same.
4. What about dish versus Time Warner? Keep in mind that local PBS is VERY important. We get three channels from TW right now and I'd hate to loose that.
Thanks for your help in advance,