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I think that's the same TV I got in the 50". Finally got it hooked up yesterday. Picture is absolutely amazing.

A couple questions for anyone that may know. First, does anyone know when you'll be able to pick up local channels in HD through the receiver and not need to use the off-air antenna with DirecTV? My equipment is in the basement and I only have two small windows. I hate having an antenna sitting in my window. Bestbuy keeps telling me it's going to be soon. Every month, they're only a month away.

My second question is related to the DVR service. I solved my initial problem with the phone connection but have a new one. If my internet connection, DSL, is hooked up, my receiver can't connect to DirecTV. If my DVR is hooked up to the phone line, my internet won't work. I have filters on each unit. The phone line that the DVR is hooked up to is a bit noisy for some reason when I test it with a regular phone. Do I need a better filter than what comes with each unit?
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I'll take a shot at this...

I think that's the same TV I got in the 50". Finally got it hooked up yesterday. Picture is absolutely amazing.

A couple questions for anyone that may know. First, does anyone know when you'll be able to pick up local channels in HD through the receiver and not need to use the off-air antenna with DirecTV? My equipment is in the basement and I only have two small windows. I hate having an antenna sitting in my window. Bestbuy keeps telling me it's going to be soon. Every month, they're only a month away.
From talking with D* (Directv), locals over the dish depends on your market. Detroit and some CA markets already have this service. This all depends on converting each market to the new MPEG4 format which will require an equipment upgrade in every house. D* will pick up the tab to upgrade your reciever and dish to the new MPEG4 equipment and 5LNB dish. I am in the Cleveland market and we should have it by spring, but I am not holding my breath. I am not sure about Cbus and D* will give you only a guess. BTW, I have the JVC 52" HD-ILA and I love it.

My second question is related to the DVR service. I solved my initial problem with the phone connection but have a new one. If my internet connection, DSL, is hooked up, my receiver can't connect to DirecTV. If my DVR is hooked up to the phone line, my internet won't work. I have filters on each unit. The phone line that the DVR is hooked up to is a bit noisy for some reason when I test it with a regular phone. Do I need a better filter than what comes with each unit?
I am not sure why this is happening. Maybe you have a bad filter or possibly a bad receiver (D* had a lot of trouble with the H10 receivers and replace them for customers if they had repeat problems). Try swapping the DSL filters. Maybe D* can help, or do a Google search. There is a ton of technical help on various forums that support the HD installer community. AVS forum my have some info as well.
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I am not sure why this is happening. Maybe you have a bad filter or possibly a bad receiver (D* had a lot of trouble with the H10 receivers and replace them for customers if they had repeat problems). Try swapping the DSL filters. Maybe D* can help, or do a Google search. There is a ton of technical help on various forums that support the HD installer community. AVS forum my have some info as well.
I ended up getting it to work. I switched the filter that came with my HD DVR with an extra one that I had when I got my DSL package and have had no problem.
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Thanks for the follow up. I was curious as to the cause. I'll file that little nugget away as it could come in handy down the road. I am a DSL user, but I do not use Tivo....yet. I am going to get the HD Tivo once they upgrade my system. I have some extra DSL filters laying around, so I will be sure to hold on to them.
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They also said that the HD over-the-air broadcasts are in "5.1" or surround sound. The salesperson said I needed to use an optical cable to connect my TV to my A/V receiver. I did this and can't get any sound at all through my HT. Any ideas?
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They also said that the HD over-the-air broadcasts are in "5.1" or surround sound. The salesperson said I needed to use an optical cable to connect my TV to my A/V receiver. I did this and can't get any sound at all through my HT. Any ideas?
Just curious, but why are you connecting your TV and A/V receiver? I have my optical audio cable running between my HD DVR and A/V receiver and have had no problem. Your HDMI cable should be carrying audio along with video to the TV. I'm not using my TV for audio but before I hooked up my A/V reciever, I was messing around with the settings on the DVR under the audio section. I recall something about Dolby 5.1 and standard. I changed it to the Dolby setting and lost the audio through the TV.
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I don't have an DVR. I'm pulling in the antenna, so to get (I think) 5.1 TV, I need to connect it (the TV) to the AV. My AV doesn't have an HDMI input. In fact, my TV is my only component with an HDMI outlet.
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I don't have an DVR. I'm pulling in the antenna, so to get (I think) 5.1 TV, I need to connect it (the TV) to the AV. My AV doesn't have an HDMI input. In fact, my TV is my only component with an HDMI outlet.
If the 5.1 is coming in over the air, I am assuming it is a digital or HD broadcast. You will need to decode the 5.1, so you would need to send the signal to the reciever. There could be a setting in your TV that controls the audio output.
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I don't have an DVR. I'm pulling in the antenna, so to get (I think) 5.1 TV, I need to connect it (the TV) to the AV. My AV doesn't have an HDMI input. In fact, my TV is my only component with an HDMI outlet.
I see. I have my antenna run to my DirecTV receiver (DVR) as well as two coax lines from my dish. From there, I'm sending audio/video to my TV via the HDMI cable and audio to my A/V receiver via an optical digital audio cable.
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I didn't word that correctly. The audio to my A/V receiver is being sent from my DVR, not the TV.

Even though I don't have a DVR, it shouldn't matter, right? I didn't get a chance to look at it last night. Will do so tonight. Maybe that Dolby setting has something to do with it?

Thanks for you help, everyone.
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