VLMarti on
My son gets robbed and the morons come out! Wow!
The events of the past several weeks have been breathtaking- the final game for Nick in the 'Shoe, the dramatic win over Michigan in their house to close out the regular season, the announcement of the Fiesta dream match-up between OSU and ND, the Appreciation Banquet, the individual award announcements- and those are only the highlights.
Of course, along the way, we had the two robberies that the Mangold and Hawk family were going to keep quiet. Fat chance! We live in age where everybody wants their 15 minutes of fame so the criminal deeds become public knowledge.
Shortly after the news breaks, the unspeakable happens- AJ and Nick are accused of having more money than they deserve. The darker implication is that they have come by this "wealth" by some improper means, i.e. the usual suspects: "The Boosters!".
It is hard to believe that anyone on this site is not aware of the money situation that the players are in at OSU. During the academic year, they are supplied a living stipend to cover the monthly rent, but only during the academic year. This can leave a short fall in rent money of, potentially, four months out of the year.
In addition, it is virtually impossible for the players to hold any type of meaningful job while they are playing for Ohio State. The NCAA red tape, alone, curtails many opportunities before they start. It most cases, having a job is actually burden for the student athlete who takes summer classes and continues to lift and condition year round.
In Nicks case, the most that he has been able to work is three incomplete weeks in July of 2004.
So how do the boys survive? Student loans, Pell and other grants and- shock of shock- their parents!
Here is a news flash for the unwashed- a high school senior cannot expect that the supply of underwear, t-shirts, and socks that he has in his possesion is going to last him for four years of college. A high school senior cannot expect that a scholarship is going to pay for an automobile and its operating and maintenance cost. There is no NCAA fund that covers pizza on Friday night or a movie with a date on a Saturday night.
Not that this information is anyone's business, but due to unfortunate circumstances, such as the robberies and the media attention that follows, it is worth the time to set the record straight.
We purchased a new car for Nick in his sohomore year when he and AJ moved out of their dorm room. We pay the insurance and the upkeep. Nick has a debit card (daily short term requirements like food, etc.) and a credit card. We pay for clothing and other expenses that logically occur through out the year.
Nick hoards his cash for personal pursuits- gifts, trips, parties, and the like.
The boys were drawing their cash together so that they could enjoy themselves on the Bowl trip. I am sure that they are not alone.
Second news flash- I replaced the funds that were stolen from Nick during the Northwestern game. Why? Because I am his father! That is what fathers do- they support their kids. Why should this fact be a banner headline?
It baffles me that it is necessary to explain this fact, but explain I must. Thousands of committed parents support their kids when the trundle off to college. Why should this be a revelation to anybody?
More knowledge is required concerning what a full ride scholarship to play D1A football at a major program, such as OSU, really means. Some posters on this site still appear to be clueless on the subject!