Go Bucks!
think about it... how many rooms get broken into? especially those of athletes that can separate your limbs from your torso?
the 'perp' (got that from TV)... somehow knew there was significant cash there... knew exactly where it was...
that information doesn't come out of the blue... deductive reasoning says... there is a direct link somehow... and my guess is that the 'perp' has either been IN that apt.. or has a 'friend' that has.. and tipped him off
Yeah, could be.
Or the guy could have also just got lucky.
Could have just been out looking for houses that looked like the residents were home for break, saw there's and went in.
Plus, there would have been time to search around with no-one home, the safe probably was in a closest (where most people put them), so any robber with any experience would look there first.
But, I guess we will never know unless they catch the guy(s)