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scooter1369;645334; said:We're reading.....
Uh - ok. But not all of them - they would take too long to write.
The lesser of the two that happened to me was at an old house in Vermont that was purchased as a ski lodge by a ski club my dad belonged to. The club got the house cheap because no one in town will go near it as it was reported to be haunted. I didnt buy any of this, and decided to go up anyway. Late one night - me and few guys were playing bumper pool in one of the main rooms. As I went to bounce my ball off of one of the sides, as my cue hit the ball, it went off on almost a 90 degree angle to the left and straight up in the air - flew across the table and swished into the little hole. I have a degree in physics, and I can tell you that there is almost no way that the force I was imparting on the ball could have made it travel in that manner. I did not miss hit it or try to put english on it - i was simply trying to bounce it gently off the rail. Further, anyone who has played bumper pool knows how tight those holes are - a swish is almost impossible if you are dropping the ball by hand just inches above it - never mind traveling across the table. May not sound like much here, but seeing it made me and three other grown men put our sticks down and leave the room without saying a word.
Another is from one of my best friends. He was sleeping over his girlfriends house one night, and late one night was awoken by someone in the hallway. He looked out and saw some man walk by in boots and a woolen flannel shirt - almost like a lumberjack. Thinking it was only her father or brother coming home - he just went back to sleep. The next day - when he mentioned it to his gf, she kinda turned white and said no one was in the house all night except them and her mother. She then admitted to him that she at times saw the same apparition too - and the house is haunted.
Last - my parents own a 200+ year old farm house in rural Pennsylvannia. While the other paranormal that I experienced was indeed here (too long to write), there are many other small things that I noticed in that house that were rather creepy, especially in the main living room. Sometimes when Id be sleeping there alone, my old dog would start barking uncontrollably in the middle of the night - waking me up. Nothing was going on outside (there is no one who lives close!), and this is something that he never did any other place or any other time. A few other times Id be sitting on the couch reading, and all of a sudden, Id see him pick his head up - slowly pan across the room, then slowly pan up the stairs - like he was watching someone walk - but no one was there (to my eyes). Again, never saw him do this anywhere else. That and of course the random sounds, creeks, items falling, etc. - Im not totally sure what is going on up at that place, but I think something is.....