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Buckeneye;940043; said:
Close friend of mine picked it up at midnight launch...calls me @ 10:30 this morning.... according to him; and I quote " the ending sucks massive D"

I'll have to play it for myself though.

Oh damnit, the story line so far has been good, if it sucks I will be majorly disappointed.
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Being in the gaming industry, I knew the ending way before it came out. Managed to refrain from telling everyone though. Was proud.

I had a blast at the midnight launch. Was trying to start riots by telling everyone in line that Gordon Freeman kills Master Chief with the crowbar at the end :biggrin:
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I work 2 jobs. Well, technically bout 5. Do computer repair, plus buildin them. Do web design. Have contracts with several local businesses to take care of their networks, workstations and servers, etc. And I am also the assistant manger at an EB games. Do that for fun really.
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I only see number 5 playing a significant role in finding out the ending to the game. Besides, it was leaked well in advance... so really its nothing new.

either way, havent had a shot at the multi player yet. hopefully soon though
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Played it tonight. I guess I just dont like Halo, because I am not impressed. Weapons are unbalanced, almost as bad as 2 and Gears. The single player bored the piss out of me very quickly as well. Oh well, only 2 more weeks to Halflife :biggrin:
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BuckeyeTillIDie;943069; said:
I played on XBox Live for the first time tonight, against a bunch of (what seemed to be) nerds who have mastered the game. Needless to say, I pretty much sucked at it. It was fun mocking all of the nerd talk via the headset :biggrin:

That's always the best part... Or cheating, find a way to cheat and then they cry about it! It's the best! :wink2:
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BuckeyeTillIDie;943069; said:
I played on XBox Live for the first time tonight, against a bunch of (what seemed to be) nerds who have mastered the game. Needless to say, I pretty much sucked at it. It was fun mocking all of the nerd talk via the headset :biggrin:

Buckeye89Fan;943088; said:
That's always the best part... Or cheating, find a way to cheat and then they cry about it! It's the best! :wink2:

Bleed S & G;943163; said:
Cheaters are douche bags. Learn how to play..

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