The funny thing is that I didn't see this post until just now.
It's awesome!!! I clubbed the shit out of Zurp the other day too. Wimp! Yeah, you heard me Zurp! You club like a woman!!!
The even funnier thing is that the last time Yertle played against me (no - it wasn't last week) in Caveman games, he made me be Vincent - the guy who has no strong skills. He, on the other hand, was Thag or Throk or Gronk or whatever homo he insists is "the best."
So we start with clubbing. And who wins? Well, no, it wasn't Yertle. Right! It was me. Fun, lovable Zurp! Yertle doesn't even come in 2nd. He came in 3rd. What a baby.
Next was.. umm.. I forget what's next. But he won fire-starting. And he won the dino vault (I admit that I'm pretty bad at that one). He got eaten in the saber race, and his best throw in mate-toss was a pitiful 55 foots (compared to my 80+). Finally, in dino race, he gave up, went to the corner, and cried like a homo baby.
Yertle, you are the Notre Dame of Caveman games. You rarely do well, you talk a big game, you have a pretty big following (your kids cheer for you, while my zero kids don't cheer for anyone), you talk about "the good ol' days" when you won all the events (because you played against people who'd never played before), and you're ugly.