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Giovanni Strassini: A Football Fantasy

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CharlotteBuckeye62;2338813; said:
Clarity and Jo contacted me a day or so regarding this guy. As I have been a member if the Charlotte club for a long time and I have known what an exceptional club it is, I contacted the present president. His response is below.
While I may look like a newby here I've been with Clarity from the day he started BP. Plus This fall I will start my 56th year of loving The Ohio State University and it's football team.
Dear David,

Many of you likely heard on Monday about a hoax created by a man claiming to be an ex OSU tight end. Sadly, the Charlotte Buckeye Alumni Club was impacted by this elaborate and sophisticated hoax. Our club was mentioned as having a relationship (incorrectly so) with this individual.

The purpose of this Email Blast is to update/inform the Charlotte Buckeyes Club Members of this hoax and the steps that were taken in the past to disassociate the Charlotte Buckeyes from this individual.

Recently, several Wikipedia editors have come across an elaborate internet hoax involving a purported OSU alum and former football player named "Giovanni Strassini." Several people associated with various computer IP addresses in the Charlotte area have seemingly inserted false information about this individual into numerous Wikipedia articles about Buckeyes football and baseball, including All-American honors, participation in bowl games, etc. An internet search will reveal that this hoax extends far beyond Wikipedia, and includes IMdB.com (internet move database) and various other sports websites.

While we are learning many unfortunate details about this man at this time, the Board did the necessary Due Diligence on this individual upon making his acquaintance in the fall of 2011. He could be found on Google, Wikipedia, IMDb, and other social media sites. He also had a pair of gold pants, a rose bowl ring, and several stories and photos to back up his claim as being a former OSU football player.

Rest assured, this man did not receive any funds from our club, nor did the club enter into any agreements or contracts with this man. He unexpectedly attended a game watch on Halloween 2011 and asked to get involved with the Charlotte Buckeyes. As a result, the Board allowed him to be a special OSU guest at a basketball game watch in March of 2012.

The Charlotte Buckeyes Board completely disassociated ourselves with this man nearly a year ago, based on reports of inappropriate communications by this individual toward a few of our club members. At that time, we removed him from the Club's email list, ceased correspondence, and deleted the majority of Club's social media ties with this individual. We did not expect to hear from him or about him again.

We are shocked and disappointed to learn of the lengths to which this man has gone to become a member of the Ohio State family. It is unfortunate that our club is being purported with being associated with him at this time. Nothing could be further from the truth. All associations with this man have been deleted from our facebook page and website over a year ago.

We hope this email answers any questions you have on this matter and the misrepresentations being stated regarding the Charlotte Buckeyes association with this individual.


The Charlotte Buckeye Board
Thank God for small favors. Was afraid the dude may have bilked them somehow in a monetary way. Art S's idol indeed.
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Giovanni Strassini's play list..I heard he had it endorsed by Wolfman Jack, Howard Stern, and The Rock and Roll HOF. Bababooey indeed!

1. The Great Pretender - The Platters
2. Little Lies - Fleetwood Mack
3. Once in a Lifetime - Talking Heads
4. Secret Agent Man - J. Rivers
5. The Policy of Truth - Depeche Mode
6. Would I Lie to You? - Eurtythmics
7. Dirty Little Secret - The All American Rejects
8. Nobody Knows - Pink
9. Flag Pole Sitta -Harvey Danger
10. Matter of Trust - B. Joel
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Ok, so.. reading these e-mails from the Charlotte Buckeye's..

Why did they still have his pictures on their facebook as of yesterday? Does Strike Alley still have his autographs next to Archie's? Surely, if they disassociated from this goon a year ago they've removed this stuff.

And he had a "rose bowl" ring.. that ring is clearly from Jostens/some type of class ring he had made up - not even CLOSE to a rose bowl ring.. as someone else posted..

Google [censored], do you use it?

Charlotte Buckeye's may have disassociated from this dude a year ago and removed his autographs from their trophy cases - but to claim they did their due diligence? You guys kicked him out of the club for lewd behavior, not because you realized the only person who scored in that game was Pete Johnson. C'mon..

(I'm 26 and I knew this.. by no means am I an old-timer. Maybe they just breed them differently in Columbus.. Jack Park was my bathroom reading material in my teens, the book is next to my law/ethics book on my desk - or - maybe I'm just a weirdo. Probably the later.)
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NYG21254246;2338848; said:
Wow... This thread has gone viral...

That's what happens when you mix the evil WIKI users and elitist pr_icks.

I will say that this quote- "false knowledge is more dangerous than ignorance." is gonna be brilliant after I drink 10 beers tonight and think on it...
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Guys and gals here,

I want to thank you for this thread. When I had my falling out with him in late 2010, I knew something wasn't right.

I saw the ring, and one of the names (Giovanni Daliente Strassini) was used with me.

That being said, why was [email protected] used as an email?

I think espn.com should get wind of this, since he had 2 profiles on there, and said he played there.
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