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Giovanni Strassini: A Football Fantasy

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Which videos have the comments. I just looked and, no surprise, it appears that he’s talking to himself in an echo chamber. But I didn’t see any comments.

Someone should link this thread in all of his videos.
I’m pretty sure that deleting unwanted comments, while still reaping all those sweet sweet views, is textbook Bitching up & Choosing positivity.

Classic Strass!
I’m pretty sure that deleting unwanted comments, while still reaping all those sweet sweet views, is textbook Bitching up & Choosing positivity.

Classic Strass!

That and trying to block you everywhere.

He's either deleted or hidden all of them.

I guess he deleted them? I'm shocked he hasn't posted any retorts demonizing myself & any others who tried proving him wrong.
Which videos have the comments. I just looked and, no surprise, it appears that he’s talking to himself in an echo chamber. But I didn’t see any comments.

Someone should link this thread in all of his videos.

Wasn't he a part of this thread when he got exposed???
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