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Gameplanning against LSU


Can't waste the day when the night brings a hearse
I read where BukIpower didn't want to start a thread about it but since we have had a extremely good influx of LSU fans join the site and we have a month to go......

If you were Tressel what would you do to beat LSU????

and a :oh: for good measure.
Run the ball to shorten the game.

Hope that Miles gets careless.

Hope for mistakes.

Beanie needs to have a huge game,

Todd needs to make a few big plays to keep the score close, a few long passes.

Woody ball.
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added: Basically, use Beanie, get ahead in the beginning of the game, then when they are focusing on the run, let Todd make big plays with his arm. LSU has a quick strike offense that scares me, but if we can stay close with the run and keep them jamming the line of scrimmage, and let Todd show them that he can make big plays, we can win.
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i'd focus on stopping the run and match Jenkins on Doucet all night. I think Matt Flynn is a heady player, but he is pretty streaky to be polite about it. His completion % is below average for a big-time program QB.

Not gonna lie, Trindon Holiday scares the shit out of me, so I'm kicking away from him all game. Nothing wrong with some pooch kicks to an up-man. Make LSU beat us down the field, don't let Trindon do it.

On offense, obvisuly pound Beanie. They're gonna focus on stopping our run game as well, so it's important Boekman gets some confidence early. I think we need to work the short game w/ Robiskie that has been so successful all year. The 5 yard outs and sit down patterns. I would definately test LSU long for nothing more than to keep them honest.

All in all, I don't think anything groundbreaking here. As Denny Green would say "they are who we thought they were". This game will come down to execution and I believe confidence. If we come out strong, I believe we gain momentum throughout the game. If we take it on the chin early, I think it's completely possible doubt enters our mind and we play scared/nervous.

This is definaetly a winnable game- especially when Arkansas and Kentucky can beat them. I really feel the outcome of the game will be determined in the first 15 minutes.
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on defense stop the run from the inside out. Force the backs to the outside.

Stop the deep passing game, force LSU into short plays and the game overall into a possession game.

Use schemes to get Animal into the best matchups.

Attack their Oline. Dont let the QB breathe.
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haha damn NateG well I wanted to start one but ehh I'm lazy screw it.... Here's my 2 cent

1. Play Physical and fast on defense.. Play a cover 3 and force flynn to beat you with his arm. Force LSU into passing situations if we can get them into 3rd and 8 or 3rd and 6 we need to get after them on those downs. Our defense has got to get off the field when they have the chance. It will kill our momentum and our defense if we give up long sustained drives.

2. On offense we just need to play our game thats all IMO. Run the ball, test them deep, and keep them guessing like our offense is usually good at and we'll be alright. Time of Possession is also huge as well because if Beanie & Co. can keep the chains moving we can wear down their defense by the time the 4th quarter comes around. I have no doubt we will be the most physical running game they will have played all season, and we need to use that to our advantage. Not to mention but dispite close scrapes both LSU/Miami are being portayed as almost unbeatable it seems.

3. Like it's been stated just sit back and wait for LSU to self destruct and then capitalize on their mistakes. LSU has "damn fine"players but not a "damn fine" coach.

This is becoming so much similiar to the Miami/OSU game from 2002 IMO. Think about it though and you'll see what i'm saying! 1st off everyone talks about the power/vanilla offense we'll bring to the game, 2nd this is suppose to be a down year for us Next year is suppose to be it like in 2002, 3rd we are a running team with comparible tailbacks, 4th Both OSU teams have great defenses as well as Smart efficient QB's, and 5th No one expects this to be a ball game.

On a side note I dunno bout you but Les Miles didn't really have much to say about our buckeye's at the award show tonight. Tressel might be just long winded or he might be going over board but to me it seems like Les isn't giving us much thought. Anyone else sense that?
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bukIpower;1021314; said:
actually we should do just one thing..... Tell the Oline to let dorsey through and have Todd Boeckman hit Dorsey in the "jank" on two straight plays with perfectly thrown darts to the crotch region... Well shit it worked for Paul Crewe why not for us?

great idea... TB the "Mean Machine"! :biggrin:

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mello1;1021329; said:
Can u guys believe what a Buckeye fan said on MSN Sports about our football team? Here it is and i completely disagree.



kartaron;1021335; said:
Glenn Dorsey will be healthy again by game day, and he can tackle the entire OSU offense by himself! WOW, now that will be worth the price of admission.:rofl:

that one had me on the floor.

OK, yeah. I thought it was amusing.

But there's something that I am wondering about.

Sometimes I miss the use of subtle sarcasm. The kind that "mello" might have been using. But since there is nothing analogous to tone-of-voice in the written word; I am left with nothing to go on. Was "mello" really being sarcastic, or does "mello" really not get it?

If it were just "mello", I'd let it go. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I let it go the first 3 times (or so) that someone posted that article and "seemed" to miss its VERY obvious sarcasm. But now I just have to know.

"Mello", feel free to answer this. But this goes out to everyone. If there is anyone on the planet who is TRULY offended by that article... ANYONE who REALLY doesn't see the sarcasm in the article that is so obvious that most of the intended humor falls flat, please let me know.

I could use a good laugh.
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There's no way we can let Flynn/Perriloux run free in this game. The biggest killer i've seen all year for LSU's opponents is seeing Flynn run for 18 yards on a 3rd and 10. LSU gets down to 3rd down alot, but Flynn has been great picking up the yardage. It's completely frustrating from the standpoint of a team trying to beat LSU.
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