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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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High Lonesome said:
are they your friends or co-workers? if so a little zing never hurt anyone. Total strangers on the other hand...

No NO No I understand the zing thing and I can and have taken that deservidly, but some other people standing around have jumped on the band wagon and talked down about the buckeyes and our traditions as being meaningless and stupid. (I told them they were thinking about the aggies). But like it has been said here before the horn fans that have been on this site have been great, and it has been a pleasure to read yall's post.

By the way how were you texas fans treated by the Buckeye fans? I assume it was a great deal better than what scUM fans treated you guys at the Rose Bowl...
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texasbuckeye said:
No NO No I understand the zing thing and I can and have taken that deservidly, but some other people standing around have jumped on the band wagon and talked down about the buckeyes and our traditions as being meaningless and stupid. (I told them they were thinking about the aggies). But like it has been said here before the horn fans that have been on this site have been great, and it has been a pleasure to read yall's post.

By the way how were you texas fans treated by the Buckeye fans? I assume it was a great deal better than what scUM fans treated you guys at the Rose Bowl...

look through some of the threads about the fan treatment, it varies depending on person, and depending on what seems to be the age of the fans.

there are some stories flying around on hornfans.com about more violence related actions.
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I personally, was treated very poorly by the fans. Most of them students, but also by older gentlemen as well. I wasn't talking trash, and i wasn't taunting (this is all before the game), but they still went out of their way to taunt us. I expected the "steers and queers" because believe it or not, we've heard it before, but some of the completely classless comments i got were unexpected. I had one guy tell me he and his buddies were going to run a train on my gf, One guy felt it necessary to follow us for about 5 minutes singing some absurd country song i've never heard in my life, and we had several guys go out of their way to come to the side of the sidewalk we were walking and drop their shoulders into us. I also had an older guy drive down a narrow roadway, and instead of going closer to the left hand side of the street where he had about 3-4 feet of space, turned his wheel to where the mirror of his truck could hit me. Completely un necessary. After the game we were treated much better, but before hand it completely ruined my idea of OSU. When we first arrived we thought the campus was gorgeous and were in complete awe. I was actually considering applying there for Graduate school because y'all have one of the best (if not THE best) sport managment program in the country, but after the interaction with the fans, i now have no interest in that. I understand that it was because of a football game and such, and for some reason y'all are under the impression that you're going to get the same treatment down here, but that's not true at all. I never go out of my way to personally insult or harrass or hit any opposing fan, no matter who we're playing or how big the stage is. I was actually quite disappointed to say the least.
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To all Buckeye Fans:

First I'd to thank you guys for this forum. I usually refrain from posting on forums, because it usually just turns into garbage after a few posts. On to the game:

It was wonderful to have our two teams take part in a game like this. I have to say I was more impressed with the Buckeyes than I initially was going in. Let's start on Defense​

DLine - More than held their own, and allowed your lb's to make plays. Did not get too big of a pass rush, as expected but they certainly played good run defense.

LB's - There can be no question, that AJ Hawk is the finest linebacker in college this year. He can blitz, force turnovers, takes solid angels to the ball, takes on blockers........... He's just a play-maker. I can't say enough. Carp is a freakin' baller. Schlegal is everything you could ask in a middle lb. No finer LB corps in my mind in college football no doubt.

Secondary - Played as well as expected under the circumstances. Gave up a few big plays but for the most part played pretty solid. VY was given enough time to make plays against them and he did. A dual threat Qb puts alot of pressure on a secondary.

On Offense:

Oline - Held up pretty well, especially in run blocking. They opened up running lanes for Pittman, Smith, and Zwick. Pass Defense was pretty good. Gave up a few sacks against the blitz and allowed some pressure from our ends. Overall very solid considering our tackle rotation.

RB - Pittman was solid! I expected him to have a pretty good game and he did. It was also evident that he needed another back to help shoulder some of the load. He took some good hits, and would have been better served to have a backfield mate to keep him fresh in the 4th.

WR/TE - Santonio Holmes is an NFL wide receiver. Good speed, gets separation and clutch hands. I think Ginn was a bit nerved by the situation, and was not utilized enough. Probably should have taken a reverse or something to get him in the game. The Texas defense had alot to do with this but he needed something to get his confidence back up in the second half. Gonzo, Hall probably should have got more looks. Again, partly due to coverage but I guess Zwick/Smith felt more comfortable/confident in Holmes.

QB - Never really liked the two QB system. Both Qb's had their moments. Actually, rotating in the 1st half threw the Texas defense off balance. (Although it was apparent at that point Troy was the most effective!) I expected Troy to play the entire second half, but out comes Zwick. But I thought Zwick actually managed the game better, Troy gives that added dimension. JZ actually scrambled pretty well, but he is obviously more susceptible to the blitz. I also think Troy was thinking too much in the 2nd half. All in all, you would have been better served to have one Qb play the entire second half.

Special Teams- Your special teams were Money! Would have been big to get that safety on Ramonce. Obviously our kickoff coverage was horrible, but you guys will probably always win a special teams battle.

Overall I was thoroughly impressed with this OSU squad. You guys have alot of areas that you will be able to shore up. Obviously the QB issue needs to be addressed. Your offensive line will be a much stronger unit in Big Ten play. Ginn will never be as quiet in a game again, and you'll need another back to help shoulder the load.

Defensively- All the pieces are THERE!! Your Defense can carry you to a MNC- with some help from your O. Hopefully the younger DB's will really become a strength in conference play. With Iowa coming up, this is no time for fans or players to hang their head. You guys have a chance to run the table in Big Ten play and be right back in the picture. You deserve to be no less than 4 or 5 in the polls coming off this loss. I honestly believed going in that we had a stronger team going in because of the experience in our Secondary, O and Dline advantage and VY at QB. I also realized that we could easily lose this game because talent wise you were our equal. We were definitely fortunate to come out with a win. I came in with much respect/admiration for your program, and I'm leaving a fan of you guys. I fully expect several top ten teams to fall. It's a long season. We've obviously faced the toughest team on our schedule, hopefully we will be able to avoid injuries and complacency. A rematch in Pasadena would be SWEET!!!!!!!!!!

Good Luck Bucks!!!

Hook Em'
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Hornfan2004 said:
I personally, was treated very poorly by the fans. Most of them students, but also by older gentlemen as well. I wasn't talking trash, and i wasn't taunting (this is all before the game), but they still went out of their way to taunt us. I expected the "steers and queers" because believe it or not, we've heard it before, but some of the completely classless comments i got were unexpected. I had one guy tell me he and his buddies were going to run a train on my gf, One guy felt it necessary to follow us for about 5 minutes singing some absurd country song i've never heard in my life, and we had several guys go out of their way to come to the side of the sidewalk we were walking and drop their shoulders into us. I also had an older guy drive down a narrow roadway, and instead of going closer to the left hand side of the street where he had about 3-4 feet of space, turned his wheel to where the mirror of his truck could hit me. Completely un necessary. After the game we were treated much better, but before hand it completely ruined my idea of OSU. When we first arrived we thought the campus was gorgeous and were in complete awe. I was actually considering applying there for Graduate school because y'all have one of the best (if not THE best) sport managment program in the country, but after the interaction with the fans, i now have no interest in that. I understand that it was because of a football game and such, and for some reason y'all are under the impression that you're going to get the same treatment down here, but that's not true at all. I never go out of my way to personally insult or harrass or hit any opposing fan, no matter who we're playing or how big the stage is. I was actually quite disappointed to say the least.

Well, I'm sorry about all of this, but stuff like this will happen when you're in the Shoe and there's 106,000 fans there
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By the way how were you texas fans treated by the Buckeye fans? I assume it was a great deal better than what scUM fans treated you guys at the Rose Bowl...

I didn't get to make it to columbus but the mich "fans" didn't treat me one way or the other. In fact they didn't even show up to "tailgate" until about 30 mins before the game and then they walked into the stadium. On the other hand, we got there at 6:30 in the morning after 2 1/2 hrs of sleep on new years day and partied like rock stars till that evening. This is one the many reasons that I have gravitated towards the bucks, they just seem to care more and understand what football should be.
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Hornfan2004 said:
I personally, was treated very poorly by the fans. Most of them students, but also by older gentlemen as well. I wasn't talking trash, and i wasn't taunting (this is all before the game), but they still went out of their way to taunt us. I expected the "steers and queers" because believe it or not, we've heard it before, but some of the completely classless comments i got were unexpected. I had one guy tell me he and his buddies were going to run a train on my gf, One guy felt it necessary to follow us for about 5 minutes singing some absurd country song i've never heard in my life, and we had several guys go out of their way to come to the side of the sidewalk we were walking and drop their shoulders into us. I also had an older guy drive down a narrow roadway, and instead of going closer to the left hand side of the street where he had about 3-4 feet of space, turned his wheel to where the mirror of his truck could hit me. Completely un necessary. After the game we were treated much better, but before hand it completely ruined my idea of OSU. When we first arrived we thought the campus was gorgeous and were in complete awe. I was actually considering applying there for Graduate school because y'all have one of the best (if not THE best) sport managment program in the country, but after the interaction with the fans, i now have no interest in that. I understand that it was because of a football game and such, and for some reason y'all are under the impression that you're going to get the same treatment down here, but that's not true at all. I never go out of my way to personally insult or harrass or hit any opposing fan, no matter who we're playing or how big the stage is. I was actually quite disappointed to say the least.
i agree it was terrible. it was one of the worst experiences of my life by ohio state fans. my only excuse is we dont have 8;00 kicks and the fact the bandwagon was full. i went out of my way to apologize to a couple groups of texas fans. to be honest the fans mortified and embrassed me. as a true and loyal buckeye fan i would like to extend my apologies.
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Just re-watched the game, and wanted to add a couple things.

Curtis Terry and Donte Whitner looked great on special teams. Terry flew down the field to deliver a huge hit on the return man in the third quarter.

I thought it was also interesting to see Laurinatis was the first player to go congratulate Hawk and Carpenter when they were routinely ending offensive drives and coming back to the sidelines. He's jacked up just to be on this team, and was on the field for special teams blocking on our returns.

Others have mentioned how well our kicking guys did. Trapasso also did something really heady--he handled a low snap like a veteran, and smoothly got off his best punt without skipping a beat, and pinning them inside the 10 yard line.

Finally, I still think David Patterson is waiting to turn the corner and kick it into high gear. Vince faked him out really well a couple times for big gains. This is constructive criticism--I still think Patterson is going to be special--if not by the end of this season, then definitely during his senior campaign.
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My point of view, as a Texas fan:

1. The stadium and atmosphere around it are second to none; f-ing awesome.
2. I can't honestly say who your starting QB should be, the rotation actually proved pretty effective on Saturday overall. However, from reading a lot of these posts, you guys really need Tressel to decide on one or the other; sadly, it looks like you may have a Simms-Applewhite debate on your hands. That shit not only divided our fan base, but our team for 3 years.
3. Your offense may be a little conservative, but not overly so. I can sympathize, as we've had the same issues with our OC since he and Mack got here. However, OSU football (to an outsider) has always been about tough defense and a grind-it-out offense. You can definitely win a lot of games with the style/athletes you have.
4. Speaking of which, your LBs are freakin' phenomenal. I had heard a lot about AJ Hawk but not watched him much, but he's unreal. If it weren't for the fact that Chris Speilman is the best college LB I've ever seen, I'd say that Hawk was the best Buckeye defender I've watched.
5. There is a divide a light-year wide between how your alums/older fans act before and after a game and how your students/young townies act. While it made the pregame festivities a bit of a drag, I can see why your school officials are cracking down on alcohol on their property; your students don't seem to be able to control themselves with it.
6. How about you win out, we win out, USC loses two games, and we do all this over again in 4 months?
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By the way how were you texas fans treated by the Buckeye fans?

I'd have to say with all honesty that you have some absolutely great fans and some absolutely terrible ones. The good fans outnumber the bad ones but the bad fans were as bad or worse than any I've encountered (and that counts Arkansas who absolutely hates us.) For the most part there were guys that would bump into us or talk some shit, and I guess maybe there was more of it there because there were more fans, but there was just too much of it. The worst one was a guy (older, not a student) who threw my brother's hat from the upper deck down into the lower deck, but he was promptly escorted out of the game by the cops and didn't get to see the end of the game. I don't want to sound like all Ohio State fans were assholes because they absolutely were not. For every asshole, there were many, many fans who apologized to us and I appreciated their gesture. I just hope that y'all can come together as a fanbase and discourage this terrible behavior whenever you see it. I truly think that a bunch of the younger guys just felt "untouchable" because there were so many other Ohio State fans around them and they should know that not everyone around them agrees with them or is on their side.
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<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width="98%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=3>OSU Quotebook: Insights Into The Texas Game

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Santonio Holmes

</TD><TD noWrap width=3></TD><TD vAlign=top>By Steve Helwagen Managing Editor
Date: Sep 13, 2005

We have a chance today to share some of the postgame thoughts from the Ohio State perspective after Saturday's 25-22 loss to Texas. We got some great and insightful comments from several players on the quarterback situation, Vince Young, key plays that shaped the loss and what comes next for OSU. Click this free link for more.
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Just in time for this week’s battery of interview opportunities on Tuesday, we cleared out the notebook with a plethora of comments and opinions from the postgame interview room following Ohio State’s 25-22 loss to Texas.
Here are what several of the Buckeyes had to say after the loss:
Santonio Holmes
* On the play of the quarterbacks -- “They were bringing in leadership. Both of those guys were fired up and eager to compete against Texas. They gave it their all. They played their heart out.”
* On OSU’s inability to get touchdowns in the red zone -- “We should have gone in and scored more points. Things happened. Their defense played great. They held us to just field goals. Our defense pretty much did the same thing to them. But in clutch situations in the red zone, you have to score touchdowns.
“It hurts a lot. We should have put up more points. That’s been our goal for this season to score 40 points. We had opportunities in front of us, but we just didn’t capitalize. Their defense played great.”
* On Texas’ resolve -- “They fought their butt off and we did, too. We just came up short. You can’t fault anybody for not doing this or not doing that. We lost as a team.”
Josh Huston
* On what he saw when Texas’ Ramonce Taylor was nearly tackled in the end zone on a kickoff -- “I was pumped. I thought we had him deep in the end zone. I don’t know what he was doing. He caught it 4 yards deep and acted like he was going to kneel it. I thought we had him, but he got away and got up the sidelines.”
* On missing a 50-yard field goal with 5:00 left -- “Fifty isn’t a long field goal. It isn’t anything you need to worry about or change your form or kick harder. I just didn’t get through on it and left it out to the right.”
* On what coach Jim Tressel told him after the miss -- “He told me after the game that we should have got us closer. But it doesn’t matter. I should have made it.”
* On making 5 of 6 field goals in the loss -- “I look at what’s best for the team. We didn’t win. Those five field goals put some points on the board. But we needed that sixth one, too.”
Justin Zwick
* On sharing time with Troy Smith at quarterback -- “You can’t worry about that. You just have to go out and make plays when you get the opportunity. I prepared myself to play in the game and whenever they call my number, I just have to go out there and try and make some plays.”
* On what happened on his late-game fumble -- “I think the receiver slipped. I just tried to pull it down and get some yards, but I just didn’t take care of the ball like I should have.”
Ashton Youboty
* On Huston’s best day as an OSU kicker -- “Every play counts. I thought Josh Huston had a great day. I don’t think people are missing Mike Nugent today.”
* On Texas quarterback Vince Young -- “I saw once even A.J. (Hawk) had a problem getting him down. Usually, if you have the angle, you make the tackle. He did a good job. Their coaches called a good passing attack. They knew what they were doing.”
* On whether Young was a Heisman Trophy candidate -- “I think so. He made his plays. I don’t think he hurt himself at all.”
* On what happened on the late touchdown from Young to Limas Sweed that lifted Texas to the win -- “It wasn’t a good re-route on my part. I didn’t buy the safety enough time to get over the top, and they just made a play.”
Troy Smith
* On sharing time with Zwick -- “When we got the chance and opportunity to come out and make some plays, we had to do so. Unfortunately, we came up short today as a team. We had so many opportunities in the red zone to get points. We just have to get better.
“It was pretty cool. Any player, once they get into the groove of the game, they want to play. But that is what he saw fit to do for the team. Hopefully next time, if we do rotate, we’ll get a W.”
* On playing in a game for the first time in 9-1/2 months -- “It felt good. It felt great. Still, decision-making is the big part of my game I need to improve on. But other than that it felt great.”
* On what happened on his 36-yard touchdown pass to Holmes -- “I think that gave us a good bolt of energy, but we didn’t finish it. There were still a lot of little things we needed to do. We’ll keep working on those things next week.
“It starts up front. The guys up front did a great job protection-wise. Santonio made a great play on the ball. That gave us a little bit of momentum. Just trying to get the ball into the hands of the play makers is my number one thing.”
* On whether he can handle a platoon situation -- “I’m not the decision maker. I can’t make decisions on that. I just try to go out there and execute the game plan. If I have to get used to it, I will adjust and get used to it.”
* On what he was trying to do when he was sacked for a safety with 19 seconds left -- “It was a Hail Mary on my part to get the ball up. It was a bad decision on my part. I should have let the ball go.”
* On pushing hard for a touchdown in the red zone -- “I just wanted so bad to get on the board with a touchdown so we could extend that lead. (The margin) would go three-six, three-six. We needed a touchdown. That’s all I was thinking about.”
* On criticism of OSU tight end Ryan Hamby, who dropped a Zwick pass that could have been a game-clinching touchdown -- “Ryan has been here. He’s a leader from day one, square one. Who cares? Ryan is a great leader and he’s a great player. He’s a starting tight end and he’s not going anywhere. We are going to continue to throw him the ball again and again. If the play happened like that again, we’d probably throw it to him again.”
Jay Richardson
* On Texas and the play of the defense -- “I give them all the respect in the world. He is a great player. But I don’t think he beat us. I think we lost. We have confidence in our defense and we can stop anybody. But we didn’t get it done in the fourth quarter like we should have. I thought we played 3-1/2 quarters of good defensive football. That last drive, they got us.
“They have some good players on the offensive line. I feel like we did a good job against their offensive line.”
* On what he saw when he forced a fumble, which A.J. Hawk recovered -- “I had an inside move. I came in and wrapped him back up. I guess he let it go and A.J. came in and got it. It was a great play by A.J., and that’s great team defense.”
* On what comes next for the Buckeyes -- “Right now, our main goal is to get back, find out what we did wrong and get better. And we have to keep that fire. We can’t let this game put our fire out. We have a lot of fire on this team and a lot of heart on this team.
“If you had been down there in the locker room, you would see that no one is beating themselves up. No one has their head down.”
* On what makes Young special -- “Vince Young is a big, strong quarterback. He’s a tall guy. You can’t arm tackle him, obviously. You have to hit him hard and it takes a couple guys. It takes a team effort basically.”
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jwinslow said:
Sack before long FG... 3 pts less for OSU (that FG would have been good from 2 yards closer).

I thought the sack was okay. What bugged me was that on 2nd down on the last 4 downs of that drive, Pittman didn't block Robison- Robison batted the ball down, Pittman caught it, and lost like 5 yards on the play before the sack on 3rd and long. Not only did we lose the yards, we went from the center to the left hashmark, which made the kick just that much harder.

If Pittman blocks that guy, we could have a 1st down catch over Robison. Instead, we lose 5 yards and get a tough angle on a long kick.
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