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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Dang I needed those days to get my head cleared.

First off... GREAT GAME! Yeah we lost but still it was a great game.

Second... It pains me to hear that Texas CLEARLY had better athletes. What? I think athletically both teams were/are equal, the difference was the Texas athletes came through at the right times and Ohio State's failed at critical times.

Thirdly... Hats off to the Texas defense. In my mind they were more a reason that Texas won than Vince Young. With the field possession we had it was a great accomplishment that they held us to only 22 points. While Vince Young came through in the clutch, he would have never had a chance if we converted one of those FGs into a TD.

Fourth... Texas fans we told you we could tackle better than Michigan and VY wasn't going to run over us all day. :biggrin: Unfortunately Vince Young matured into a good enough passer to take advantage of a defense thats main goal was to stop him from running and getting loose.

Fifth... Texas should be kissing their new kicker... If they had let McGee kick the story would be about Texas's missed FGs and a loss rather than Huston missing a 50 Yard.

Sixth - Those that are screaming that Troy Smith should have stayed in... what game did you watch? Troy hit only one good pass on the night and the others came way too close and too often of getting intercepted. Troy Smith had a chance to declare himself the #1 QB but he didn't come through. The only thing I can say to defend Troy Smith is that Tressel has to let him play a more normal offense and not force the QB run too much. It seems like Tressel had no faith in Smith throwing a pass and it hurt the game plan. But on the other hand, Zwick clearly was throwing a better ball that night and should have been out there at the end to try. I hate playing the what if game since everyone knows what is coming. IT HIT HAMBY IN THE NUMBERS! Also what if we didn't lose those yards right before the FG attempt? If that FG was a 47 yarder instead that same kick is good...

To wrap up - Oh so close but the good thing about a close loss like this is we only dropped to #9 in the polls. Our season is not lost, we win out we are in the BCS and Big Ten Champs. More importantly we will be first in line of the one loss teams.

Once again, great game Texas. How about if we see each other again in about 4 months in Pasadena? :wink2:
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These guys were shitting on Texas before the game but now they are taking a back-handed shit on the bucks too? (is back-handed shit a word?)


Vince young is very talented but is screwed if he faces a defense with fast LBs and secondary. The Whorns and Mack brown better pray that nothing happens to him, because Texass is screwed without him under center.
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fuck WeAreSC... if i want knowledgeable outside opinion, i'll head over to Grassy (the football board, not the smack board.)

though one guy had a little idea what was going on:
He had OSU absolutely terrified last night. All you heard about before the game was how the linebackers would get him. After he did whatever he wanted to with them for that first drive, they changed their whole gameplan just to track him. He turned all three of their linebackers into spies who had to triangulate on him every play. No longer were they able to roam and wreak havoc. That alone affected the schemes Ohio State was able to play. Every time he dropped back or did a play action, the entire defense froze until he committed to a run or pass. And they have a VERY GOOD defense.
while i don't agree 100%, this guy at least has SOME objective opinion...

my disagreement? i don't think the D was terrified, i think they played him straight up for two series to see what kind of adjustments they needed to make... when they made the adjustments, they shut him down... seriously... 63 of his passing yards came by way of a missed tackle, and 53 of his 78 rushing yards came by way of the first drive... our Defense was outstanding... unfortunately for us, theirs was as well...

BTW, on the first VY INT, Carp was down in the three point... he bulldozed the OT, and completely blew that play up...

Carp's NFL stock rose even more on that play...
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missed opportunities

ohio state could have easily won by two or three scores saturday night. we had chances but failed to make plays. the bucks needed to put texas away but instead kicked field goals. great job coming back after being down early just needed to make plays and finish the game. should've played to win not not to lose. make plays. moving ahead we are not out of the title race just need some help now. we will be there when the smoke clears. :oh: :io:
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ytownbuckeye said:
moving ahead we are not out of the title race just need some help now. we will be there when the smoke clears. :oh: :io:

I would agree, the buckeyes made some mistakes like leaving 38 seconds on the clock just before half. and not getting into the endzone on four trips in teh red-zone. letting 16 points just slip away. this game would have never been in question. The otehr good thing is Iowa looked extremely bad, and scUM was even worse than I thought, which looks good for us. now we just need purdue to win at ND and lose elsewhere..

good job texas of not screwing things up like we did
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scooter1369 said:
Great game Horns. My body hurts all over from being there for 20 straight hours. If our offense wasn't so inept, the game would have be ours by 2 TD's.

One thing I did notice, and it happens all the time, is that on the rare occassion we did beat the O-line getting to Young, we got drug down from behind and it wasn't called even once. I wish I brought my camera in. 1st quarter alone they missed 4 flagrant holding calls that would have constituted sexual assault charges on the street. Fucking horrible.

Can't wait for the return game though. See you in Austin Horns.

My body is aching like no other. I just got back from returning our RV a few minutes ago. Man alive Scooter, great lot. I don't think that I had a chance to speak to you in person, but thanks for the pretrip information. I was about 15th or so in line as the RVs lined up at about 2:30am.

I have not read the rest of this thread yet since earlier last week, but I will read the thread and a make a few game comments. But in general, AJ Hawk is a beast, and Carpenter and Schlegel are great as well. I think both of your lines played well. I think that our lines played outstanding. I think that almost everything said on this board came together and showed itself on the field. A buddy of mine was saying after the 10-0 lead that it was over, and I knew that it was not, I expected the comeback, and if Hawk keeps it up, he seriously deserves Heisman talk. When he got his arms around Vince, he was not letting go until he went down.

The Holmes TD. Wow, great throw, right on the money. It was very tight coverage, just perfect execution.

Man, what a call by Mack to keep Selvin out of the game (supposedly injured), Charles will be the real deal, and his receiving ability showed on saturday. Melton is a beast too, even though his knee went down on the third down play, he took his first real hits in D-1 and kept his feet moving. And he was definitely in the end zone at the end of the game, that was a weak call.

I observed as did everyone else it seems, that tOSU just played differently with Smith in there. To me it just seemed like he had the pulse of the team. And his runs were frustrating as hell. But I also thought Zwick looked good finding the open man on a few occasions as well. Pittman looked solid against our defense.

Of course our kick coverage was atrocious. We placed Huff on the coverage as a safety, absolutely the last line of defense, and he makes a couple of tackles. NOT GOOD.

Ginn didn't touch the ball enough, and dropped at least one screen play. But when he did have the ball, he made cuts and broke tackles with the best of them.

Most importantly, I was so impressed by how your team was so confident and not arrogant, and just played their hearts out on Saturday night. I love how Tressel had them prepared, and your fans can second guess his QB switching, etc. but it goes to show that he isn't going to let you screw up off the field, and then just return and take over a starting spot. Ultimately, I think he sends a great message that will have dividends down the road. (BTW does every football program have a page stating what Boosters can and can't do or is that just an OSU thing?)

As for the play calling, execution, etc. of tOSU offense. I think its natural for fans to blame the coaching, etc. but on Saturday, the two defenses that came out to play were unfreakingbelievable. UT had horrible kick coverage, and turned the ball over three times, including two picks that would have been talked about 10,000 times more if the game would have ended the other way. Well, in my opinion, UTs defense showed why Chizik was such a good pick up. I thought his adjustments and stunts were amazing. Being able to come out there time after time and stop tOSU's offense after UT's own offense kept giving the ball away, takes a lot of stamina, preparation, and just absolute talent. I think your offense has several big yardage games ahead of them, but on Saturday, our defense played amazingly, coverage, pressure, tackling you name it.

As everyone said on this board on any TV show, in any paper, etc. If UT was going to win this game, Vince was going to have to do it through the air. A lot of Texas fans, including me, thought that we would have more success on the ground, but your defense showed us quickly that Vince might get five yards here, five yards there, but there will not be a run dominant offense that runs over this team.

So Vince goes to the air, throws two picks, but also completes great passes across the middle, and one pass to Sweed that put us on top. If you have seen my posts, and some of the other posts on here, you know that we were not very confident about Sweed's hands. And the fact that he almost dropped that one, man our collective hearts as a fan base skipped three beats. Vince threw the ball well and his feet and his OL allowed him enough time to beat your defense through the air. And of course, the game comes down to tOSU missing a 50 yard field goal without Nugent, and then Vince throwing a TD pass to go ahead. Crazy. I predicted a one point victory for the Horns, but I would not have put anything of real value down on a bet on this game. And if they played each other again, I wouldn't place any bets then either.

That game was well fought, and Vince really showed me a lot, but your team should not lose another game this year. And I am ecstatic about both teams' effort. Good luck for the rest of the season, and I will be watching a lot of your games from here on out, so I might chime in with comments now and then.

Hook 'em and :oh: :io:
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That game was so painful its unbelievable. It still has me floored :(

What I expected that came true:
VY to throw well enough
VY to force a play after being wrapped up (I thought it would be a fumble rather than an INT tho)
VY to break a couple, but be fairly contained
Texas' backup RBs to play better, if they saw the field (I wasn't sure mack would go against his nature)
The trenches to be fairly even
Holmes to be the best WR
Hawk to dominate
Texas' kick coverage to be awful, punt coverage to be solid
Huston to be busy

What I didn't expect:
Thomas to struggle, while the inexperienced WRs played like veterans
Our WRs to struggle catching the ball (Hamby dropping TD, Gonzo dropping 1st down, Ginn, etc)
Ginn to be a non-factor on offense (inexcusable, should have lined up at TB if the exchange was the problem)
For the two QB system to work (if our players catch the football, we score at least 10 more points)
Pittman to have that much success (why did he get so few touches?, especially with good blocking from our OL and a LB corps that is small enough to run thru)
Texas not making any kicking mistakes

The painful whatifs:
Youboty drops a sure INT on 1st drive, 3 pts for Texas
Texas FG bounces thru uprights, 3 pts for Texas
Penalty before halftime, 3 pts for Texas (I think they get this either way)
Hamby drops easy TD... 4 pts less for OSU
Sack before long FG... 3 pts less for OSU (that FG would have been good from 2 yards closer)

Hats off to Texas. Charles, VY and Pittman stepped up big time. I expected Texas' defense to be stingy, but I was very impressed with the play of their DBs. I knew they were fast, physical and talented, but they were excellent in coverage.

It kills me that we could have won this game, but we lost to one heck of a team, and made them play our game. VY was given one too many chances, but OSU set the tone. We made Texas play our game, which is ball position and special teams. Their defense made sure we couldn't sneak in many TDs on offense, which was quite an accomplishment. We made VY beat us with his arm, and at the end he did.

There are losses where I come away hating the other team, but that is not my sentiment after saturday night. It drives me insane that we should have won, but I have nothing but respect for Texas. Great fans, great team, and great competitors. Hard hitting game that is exactly the type of game that I love, some big plays, but mostly fantastic defense and solid special teams.

Texas won't lose another game. OU might lose to Baylor this year, and I don't think anyone else on their schedule has the talent to beat this team as long as #10 is at QB. Therefore I expect them to be #2 barring an injury to VY. I don't think we will lose a game in the big ten, b/c nobody will match up the way they did. If someone loses in the SEC and USC falls to ASU (they looked real tough at home), we've got a good shot at a great rematch (which would be classic b/c next year will not be the same without all of the seniors).

Hats off to VY, he played like a champion. Not only overcoming the best defense in america (at least to stop him) but also playing above his circumstances. He was able to put the cheapshot (helmet ripped off his head) behind him, and get up after huge hit after huge hit by our gladiators. We dared him to beat us with his arm, and he did. He has my vote for Heisman.
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And some wisdom from Woody...

Jwins, thanks for that, let me add these words..

"I love football. I think it is the most wonderful game in the world and I despise to lose."

"I don't live in the past. I'm a student of the past, and I try to learn from the past, although some people will say, 'You haven't done a very good job of it.' But for me to live in the past? Hell, no.'"

Woody Hayes

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texasfight06 said:
but your team should not lose another game this year. And I am ecstatic about both teams' effort. Good luck for the rest of the season, and I will be watching a lot of your games from here on out, so I might chime in with comments now and then.

Hook 'em and :oh: :io:

I wish I knew other Horn fans like you, all the ones where I work (Dallas Area) are not such great winners. but this was a very gracious post.
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