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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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CriticalSteve said:
Playing this QB rotation was stupid. Make a decision and go with it.
The weakest link = the dbs. Sucked it up tonight.
And on the other side, I guess Texas' DBs played well. There was nothing down-field (passing wise, who knows how well our WRs were covered).

Qb-draws and a bunch of other weak plays. Forgot about our weapons. Ginn, Holmes, Gonzalez, Pittman. Got way to concerned and focused on who our QB was.

fucking shit, I'm so sad and pissed right now.

edit- though I don't think our DBs played poorly, Everett maybe, Whitner early one. But they came up for some nice takcles and other plays. I thought Youboty and Whitner did well.
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scarletngrey77 said:
complete bullshit, texas didnt win this game, we just lost this game, we physically outmanned them, they did not win this game, we shouldve won by 20. we lost this game and thats all there is to it.

texas gave ohio state the ball at the 50 and turned it over 3 times...what more could you have wanted?

both teams played with heart...i was very impressed by the OSU linebackers but texas won this game
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The LBs were incredible.
The Line was great stopping the run.
Texas could throw. the DBs let them throw and win the game.
Whitner was out of place all night.
ONeal pretty much let that one throw go an extra 30 yards instead of running down the kid.
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I'm not calling for JT's head, but we shouldn't have lost.

Blame JT, blame JZ, blame TS, blame Ryan Hamby - it doesn't matter - we fucking blew it in our house.

I'm not wasting my time and money going to Austin next year. Not after this choke job...I'll watch it on TV.
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Shut the fuck up you bunch of Bucknuts lovin' dick fucks!!!!!

It was a great game and we lost. Texas was a great team.

Should, woulda, coulda...... Fucking babies.

Congrats Texas.

We had our chances and didn't convert. It happens.

Let's win out from here.

On a side note: did anyone notice that Young's helmet had one hor facing up and the other facing the right direction?
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