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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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PlaywithPride21 said:
FIrst of all I would like to not that I am not a Zwick hater and he does make plays and I hope he continues to do so, however I do think that Troy gives us better options and can throw a better spiral with better touch

I never said you're a Zwick hater.

greatwhitenorth said:
neither QB has been very consistent tonight but they both have made plays when we need it

On the contrary, Great, I think Zwick has been pretty consistent. Across both games. What did they say? Over 60% completions?

Problem is he doesn't bring the extra level to the game that Smith does. Smiths scrambling turned the tempo of this game around. That's what we're lacking when he's not in.

PlaywithPride21 said:
but as long as Zwick continues to play mistake free I completely support him

Well that summarizes my points about fans and Zwick perfectly. (Joking).

Hey, I'm not advocating swapping QBs out every drive or two in the middle of a massively important game. Just saying that Zwick is by no means dragging the team down, and there were a few suggestions thrown out there that he was.
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Clarity said:
I never said you're a Zwick hater.

On the contrary, Great, I think Zwick has been pretty consistent. Across both games. What did they say? Over 60% completions?

Problem is he doesn't bring the extra level to the game that Smith does. Smiths scrambling turned the tempo of this game around.
Oh i know you were not refering directly to me, but i just thought I would clear it up, i think Troy is better but whoever leads us to victory is OK with me.
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Misanthrope said:
Ginn HAD the first down.

He almost blew it - not aggressive enough.
whew exactly. i am in no way bashing tg but i think i have seen a few minor chinks in his armor tonight, that play and him arguing with smith on that short pass. i see him being a little bit frustrated tonight and i think it will make him a better player in the long run to experience a difficult (for him) game. shrug
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