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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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PlaywithPride21 said:
WHy is it that we were loosing in the 1st quarter with Zwick, we come back with Troy then we go back to Zwick and starting going down hill, someone please explain this to me...

My guess is that he wants to keep Texas on their toes... if they have to keep changing their adjustments that's just more chances to take advantage of the Texas D
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PlaywithPride21 said:
WHy is it that we were loosing in the 1st quarter with Zwick, we come back with Troy then we go back to Zwick and starting going down hill, someone please explain this to me...
that is hardly worth responding to but it is not zwicks fault somebody dropped a wide open td pass, both qb's are playing well. it doesnt hurt to throw in a suprise at that point. it should have been 7 and nobody would of even questioned it
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PlaywithPride21 said:
WHy is it that we were loosing in the 1st quarter with Zwick, we come back with Troy then we go back to Zwick and starting going down hill, someone please explain this to me...
I'll explain it. It's a misconception acquired by stubborn perception.

Zwick moved the ball down the field, and Hamby dropped a gimme pass in the endzone. Would he have caught it were Smith in?

Zwick hasn't once thrown the ball and hit a defender in the chest. Smith has. Smith hasn't floated a pass over an open receiver. Zwick has. Neither has been spectacular, both have been good. But the BIGGEST difference between them is fan perception. Fans are more excited about Smith, so his mistakes are brushed off a little easier. Less excited about Zwick, and posts like "that was classic Zwick" reinforces this, so ALL his mistakes are called to attention.

Both have played well in this game.

Smith sparked the offense and turned the flow of the game around. But we stalled in the endzone more than once.

Tressel said he wanted to give them different looks, and he is.

But it seems to me that we kicked a FG and punted from mid-field in Zwick's two drives. How is that downhill, when measured against the last 4-5 possessions?

People need to re-evaluate their own bias and prejudice.


Now, all that said, I'm glad Smith is back in. Texas hasn't handled his running well. But honestly? I have no more passing confidence with Smith than I do with Zwick right now.
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