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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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I read on another board a poster's exchanges with ABC re: hdtv for the game.

Apparently it will not be in HDTV. One of the people this person spoke to at ABC contacted the listings people and was responsible for them removing the hdtv status from the listing.

me = pissed. I am actually watching it at a bar, but am then watching it again at midnight with a friend who is flying in (pilot)-- plus then I can see the plays much better than at a damn bar, where I am watching it with many fans but few knowledgable ones (women, not that there's anything wrong with that).

HDTV would be so appreciated - the punk-asses.
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scarletngrey77 said:
texas should expect is to be hit harder then they have ever been hit, from 15:00 in the first quarter until 0:01 in the last quarter.

in the paper this morning they had something about how harris, the texas MLB is jealous of all the talk of our linebackers.

i can only imagine how pumped up hawk and carpenter and the rest of the defense is to get on the field..
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bchorn said:
Sorry, didn't want to seem like a troll/crybaby. Just a month of frustration from seeing a lack of familiarity with one's opponent coming out.

It's quotes like this one that I am talking about.

alexhortdog95 said:
Mack Brown has only beaten a ranked opponent like twice in his coaching career.

Mack Brown is 15-14 against Top 25 competition and Tressel is 15-5. So while I definitely give Tressel the edge in this department, Mack has considerably more than 2 wins against ranked opponents.
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buckeye4ever21 said:
Smith hands down. No one seems to mention Smiths leadership. I can't remember many of Krenzel's passes that weren't ducks. And the reason we went undefeated in that season was because of the run game and great D. We never had to rely on Krenzel's arm to win games. Smith has proven he can take care of the ball just as well and throws a ten times better ball than both deep and short than krenzel did. With Smith in those games we would have not only won them, but probably blown everyone out.

Are you telling me that Krenzel wasn't an incredible leader? Hell, he wasn't the greatest athlete, but the boy knew how to win games! He didn't force passes, he'd pull it down and run. One of the smartest players I have ever seen! He has to be one of the most competitive QB's we've ever had, and I'd take his heart and guts anyday!

But seeing that he can't come back and play, I'm going to go with whoever Jim Tressel chooses. In Tressel I Trust!
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FKAGobucks877 said:
Riiiiiiiiight. Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot.

I don't think it was the gay comments that got the Dihard comment, I think it was the roid rage !!!!!!!! that went along with it :)

BN, just make sure you don't go a steal everything that is good here and try to start your own webste.
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ABC Sports Director of Programming

I received the okay from Clarity to post this. Below is the email address to the director of programming for ABC sports. I've already sent him an email expressing my displeasure with the lack of HD sports shown on ABC. I also asked how a preseason #9 vs. #14 game was picked over #2 vs. #6 to be shown in HD and requested that ABC use one of the two remaining HD regular season broadcast for The Game.

[email protected]
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bchorn said:
Mack Brown is 15-14 against Top 25 competition and Tressel is 15-5. So while I definitely give Tressel the edge in this department, Mack has considerably more than 2 wins against ranked opponents.

But...Mack is 3-8 vs Top 10 teams while JT is 6-1. Definite edge from that vantage point.
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bchorn said:
It's quotes like this one that I am talking about.

Mack Brown is 15-14 against Top 25 competition and Tressel is 15-5. So while I definitely give Tressel the edge in this department, Mack has considerably more than 2 wins against ranked opponents.

Vince Young will kick our asses at every phase of the game. He will have 5 INTs for touchdowns, he'll force a fumble and return that for a touchdown, he'll throw for 500 yards on 5 passes for touchdowns...one of which will be completed to himself throwing from the end zone and catching it at the 50.

Mack Brown is the finest coach to grace the game of football. I can't think of one game he has lost off the top of my head. He will surely win 8 national championships this year.

If Texas doesn't win the national championship this year, there should be an NCAA investigation.

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Top Ten Texas Post Game Excuses...

10. Vince Young ran so fast that his shoes kept falling off.
9. Mack Brown caught a bad case of disentary from the Columbus Water.
8. Vince Young was planting his feet so hard that the Stadium kept shifting under his feet and put him out of bounds.
7. Our team speed created a vortex inside the shoe which threw off Vince Young's Passing game.
6. Ted Ginn was on a motorcycle.
5. Mack Brown's Anal Warts flared up and disrupted his normally unshakeable demeanor.
4. Our defense was so fast that they stopped mid play to tell people about it and pose for photographs.
3. Ohio State was so much slower than us we kept over-running plays.
2. Ohio State cheated by making too much noise.

And the number 1 Texas Post Game Excuse...

1. We were saving our strength for Oklahoma.

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Thump said:
I bet all of my vCash that BN27 has watched it at least once and won't admit it.
take the bet FKA.
buckeyefool said:
BN, just make sure you don't go a steal everything that is good here and try to start your own webste.
i've already done that. stole the BP logo and color scheme and everything. http://www.geocities.com/jcarver27/main.html
now i just need a dream catcher to help me update it.
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BuckeyeNation27 said:

Vince Young will kick our asses at every phase of the game. He will have 5 INTs for touchdowns, he'll force a fumble and return that for a touchdown, he'll throw for 500 yards on 5 passes for touchdowns...one of which will be completed to himself throwing from the end zone and catching it at the 50.

Mack Brown is the finest coach to grace the game of football. I can't think of one game he has lost off the top of my head. He will surely win 8 national championships this year.

If Texas doesn't win the national championship this year, there should be an NCAA investigation.


Look...I never said that this game was going to be a blowout. In fact the whole point of my first post was that anyone saying this game is going to be a blowout is foolish. I definitely give Tressel the edge in coaching especially since he's won conference and national title.

My point in bringing up Mack's record was to point out the previous poster who said "Mack's only won 2 games against ranked opponent" as an example of the lack of familiarity with Texas on this board.

You're the moderator and you're flaming me is hardly setting the example you want us visiting fans to follow.
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