I got up this morning to get the chilli going. Running down to Averill's in an hour or so to get the brats and hot and mild Italian sausages, a half case of Shiner Bock is cooling in the ice chest along with a half case of Harp, the chips, salsa, peanuts and Cheeze-Its (I'm a hopeless Cheez-It fanatic) await, the Buckeye Flag flys from the front porch, the scarlet and gray whirling thingamajig sits by the driveway ready to spin, TBDBITL is cued on the stereo, the DVR is ready to record, I'm running on 20,000 amps of adreneline, got my buckeye gear waiting for me to shower and get dressed, BUT I just want to stop and give a tip of the buckeye helmet to the folks from Texas, like High Lonesome and E-horn, who have joined us on this site. It's been fun getting to know you, your team and your school. I wish everyone good luck on the field tonight. GO BUCKS!